What Are Risks and Dangers of Smoking Alcohol?

What is the Role of Self-Doubt in Relapse?

What is the Role of Self-Doubt in Relapse? You are not the only person who has trouble with self-doubt. You may regret what you did while in addiction but everyone has those things. Don’t let people treat you today as if you are still in active addiction. Self-doubt can follow you around unless you work…

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How Do I Confront a Loved One About Addiction

How Do I Confront a Loved One About Addiction

How Do I Confront a Loved One About Addiction Loving a person with addiction can be one of the hardest things to experience. The emotions you go through while they struggle can leave a person feeling overwhelmed and powerless. It can feel like one’s entire life is overtaken by substance abuse. If you take action…

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Why Do Headaches Co-Occur with Substance Abuse?

Why Do Headaches Co-Occur with Substance Abuse?

Why Do Headaches Co-Occur with Substance Abuse? For people in recovery, there is a high likelihood they have encountered headaches as a side effect to substance abuse or as an effect of withdrawal. Different types of substances can produce different types of headaches. Learn more about the types of headaches and how to find relief.…

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Who Can Be Trusted When in Recovery?

Who Can Be Trusted When in Recovery?

Who Can Be Trusted When in Recovery? Figuring out who is reliable in recovery can be a tricky endeavor. Finding out who to trust may be a matter of rebuilding your life brick by brick, like a new foundation being laid for the future. If you are in recovery, you likely have encountered situations that…

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How Do People Become Addicted to Sleeping Pills?

How Do People Become Addicted to Sleeping Pills?

How Do People Become Addicted to Sleeping Pills? People successfully treat short-term insomnia with sleeping pills, many become dependent on them. Approximately 38 million prescription for Ambien were written between 2006 and 2011. A perceived blessing for medical professionals has left people thinking there are no alternatives to help them with sleep or pain relief.…

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Why Are Cross and Co-Occurring Addictions So Challenging?

Why Are Cross and Co-Occurring Addictions So Challenging?

Why Are Cross and Co-Occurring Addictions So Challenging? Cross-addictions occur when people with addiction switch back and forth from one addiction to another. When people with addiction are unable to use their primary addiction for self-soothing or dissociation, they switch to a secondary addiction. Co-occurring addictions may occur when people with addiction engage in multiple…

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