New Treatment Monitoring Chips May Be the Wave of the Future One of the major challenges in recovery treatment programs today focuses on blood tests and breathalyzers. Each has drawbacks which do not make them ideal but there are providers looking at ways to support people in recovery with microchips. The injectable chip goes under…
Learn to Say the Hardest Word if You Want to Stay Sober Even if you wish you could put your foot down, most people feel compelled to agree with someone most of the time to avoid an argument. With so much going on, it’s quicker to jump past something than to try and tackle it…
Who Can Be Trusted When in Recovery? Figuring out who is reliable in recovery can be a tricky endeavor. Finding out who to trust may be a matter of rebuilding your life brick by brick, like a new foundation being laid for the future. If you are in recovery, you likely have encountered situations that…
Namaste Your Way to Productivity: Tips for Enhancing Calm Throughout the Day Work is stressful, even if you are not in recovery. Work seems to consume everyone’s lives whether it is being connected all the time to the office, having a never-ending workload, or trying to schedule life around work. The idea of adding ‘one…
Can the Myth That Everyone is Doing Better Derail Recovery? Even when it seems you are doing well in recovery, it is easy to think the grass is greener on someone else’s recovery lawn. The myth everyone else is doing better in recovery not only breeds envy, it steals joy from the victories of your…
How to Know and Honor Your Truth for a Better Recovery When someone asks a person if they are ‘living their truth,’ they are most likely asking if that person is living into who they truly are rather than living for other people. It is a powerful reminder to stay focused in recovery. Whether you…
Finding Your Purpose is So Cliche: Why You Should Still Try to Find it Anyways Finding your purpose seems to be the cliche line of the day at the moment. Every coach and person out there seems to have a secret remedy to help people find their life purpose in 12 easy steps. If only…
Learn More About Gaslighting and Tips to Recover from Emotional Abuse Gaslighting is a tactic manipulators use to keep you from building confidence in yourself and your abilities. The other person may spin stories to their advantage that make you question your own memory and doubt yourself. They may skillfully manipulate how you feel to…
How Do I Practice Self-Compassion? Being compassionate with oneself in recovery can be a difficult lesson to learn. Compassion is that emotion that you feel in response to suffering, usually of another person. This is something that can be felt for oneself also. We tend to have lots of compassion for others, but surprisingly little…
Does Exercise and Movement Really Help Recovery? Moving the body has myriad benefits for people in recovery. Simply moving every day can boost the mood and more intense exercising can create long lasting health benefits for the body. Making a daily commitment to stay physically active can optimize recovery. Here are some tips on how…