Enjoy More Summer Holidays in Recovery with These 5 Tips Recovery can be tough at any season, including holidays. When people are in recovery, they are doing their best to stay clean and sober, but life. Life throws triggers, cravings, and other stressors into the mix that makes it really hard to feel like sobriety…
What Jobs Have High Rates of Depression (and How Can They Find Help)? There are high rates of depression in many jobs, not just the ones most people think about. Finding a new job is not always possible, but many professionals and executives go into a line of work after years of education and training,…
Why Self-Care is Far from Selfish – It’s Necessary Addiction does not hold back when it comes to ravaging people’s lives. It can take over anyone’s life to the point where they suddenly care for little else but finding more drugs, drinking more, or put themselves and others at risk. In recovery, there is a…
How Can I Make Mornings More Mindful with Deliberate Action Steps? Getting the morning off to a good start is a hard thing to do for some people. They simply don’t feel like getting up, are tired, have not slept well, or are struggling with what to do once they are up to make it…
When Executives Have Co-Occurring Disorders, It Can Help to Remember This Mental health issues are nothing new for some people with addiction. In fact, many people with addiction face this crisis at some point in their lives. It may even be the reason they begin using drugs in the first place. At least 20% of…
Is it Too Late to Apologize? There is much to be said about apologizing to people, only too little too late. Sometimes, it feels like apologizing for things in the past is irrational. What good can come from basically saying ‘I’m sorry,’ but for something so long ago memories get clouded by time. When offering…
Traveling to Rehab Comes with Challenges But May Be More Beneficial in the End When addiction is out of control, the best way to get help is through professional treatment and rehab programs. There are specialized ones that treat executives with the care and confidentiality they deserve. Traveling from work and home may be difficult,…
What Are the Health Complications of Sitting for Long Periods? Today’s society is all about sitting down at a computer and being sedentary to get work done. More than ever, people are sitting longer, working longer, and having a harder time exercising. People spend more time sitting or in a seated position, which does not…
CBD Use May Come at a Price: Why People with Addiction Should Proceed with Caution Products that come from CBD vaping liquids have been known to contain chemicals that are dangerous to people’s health. Products may contain compounds that are found in illegal, synthetic marijuana, which can trigger panic attacks, convulsions, and even death. CBD…
How Can I Cultivate Courage? One way to cultivate courage when you feel like recovery has you down is to consider how you got to this point. There were many barriers on the way to recovery and many things that could have stopped you or your loved one from getting here. Courage is about facing…