Enjoy More Summer Holidays in Recovery with These 5 Tips
Recovery can be tough at any season, including holidays. When people are in recovery, they are doing their best to stay clean and sober, but life. Life throws triggers, cravings, and other stressors into the mix that makes it really hard to feel like sobriety is at the top of their mind. There are some tips to consider that may be helpful when thinking about those summer holidays filled with sun and fun (while keeping it clean).
Set Goals Early
Before summer rolls around, make a plan of attack. Write down what is most important to remember and keep a note of things to do. Think ahead about where to go and what is happening. Start to think about the people that are important to see. There are a lot of emotions to manage and triggers to consider. Think about how to navigate these with the help of sponsors, friends, and loved ones who can support the journey of healing in recovery.
Know Your Boundaries
The hardest thing about summer is the invitations to go out. Friends and family may want to head out into the sunshine, go and play by their rules, and experience life to the full. The thing to remember is summer is only a season. Unlike recovery, which is forever, summer may seem difficult now, but it is much harder when there are no boundaries around what you are willing to do or where you will go.
Self-Care Matters
As the holidays approach, it will be necessary to practice good self-care. This might look like finding a place to hang out that feels safe this summer. It might mean rewarding yourself for going through it. It helps to have little ways of rewarding yourself for the journey and making good choices.
Stay Connected
The biggest factor in relapse triggers is to lose that connection to sober friends. Unfortunately, people struggle the most when they are least connected to those who keep them grounded. When you stay connected to loved ones, friends, and your sober community, you are more likely to see the fruit of that experience.
Plan Sober Events
The biggest and best way to enjoy the summer is to plan sober gatherings with friends and loved ones. To know to go in you are not going to experience triggers to use like you might out in the open at just any old event is freeing. The goal of summer is to relax and lean into the experience with your whole heart. It may take some time to reach that space of feeling free to do that, but it will come with time and patience. Healing from addiction takes time and persistence. Summer season wanes, but recovery lasts long after it is gone. Don’t take risks and chances that aren’t necessary. Focus on the people, places, and things you can trust to keep you feeling safe and sober.
Contact Palmetto Addiction Recovery Center Today
The Palmetto Center is based on a Therapeutic Community model. We help people learn how to live free of addiction. Our community support provides structure while trained counselors offer life skills training and therapeutic techniques to help you move past addiction. Our program provides a special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.