How Can I Make Mornings More Mindful with Deliberate Action Steps?

How Can I Make Mornings More Mindful with Deliberate Action Steps?

Getting the morning off to a good start is a hard thing to do for some people. They simply don’t feel like getting up, are tired, have not slept well, or are struggling with what to do once they are up to make it a good day. Making mornings a mindful time takes deliberation, but it can set the tone for the rest of the day. A morning routine that leads to productivity can be one of the best things you can do for yourself. Find out what’s behind a positive morning routine and why it works.

Find the Time

Everyone’s bodies run off a circadian rhythm. This makes the body get up at a certain time and sleep at a certain time based on the light and dark cycles outside (among other things). Being in recovery and other things can mess with that rhythm. People who self-identify as ‘morning people’ reported feeling ‘happier and healthier’ than night owls who stayed up later. This could be because of the work rhythm they get into, which requires them to be up before they feel ready. Those who wake earlier may be more productive because mornings take place a little later so there is less time in the morning to accomplish things. Knowing your body’s clock can help determine the type of job you want to do and making sure you get enough sleep to support that cycle of sleeping and waking.

Get a Routine

One of the best ways to sabotage your morning is by running around without a plan. When you feel most productive is when you have an idea of how the morning will go. It is not just about what is in your routine. The best thing you can do to be productive is creating an ideal morning routine. There are some key elements that make this more effective. The most common is to focus on big-picture goals, gratitude, and planning out the day’s activities. Some common things people do might include:

  • Drink water
  • Meditate
  • Read something inspirational (perhaps recovery related)
  • Shower
  • Dress
  • Exercise
  • Spend time with a loved one

There are many things to implement into a morning routine that make it better. It can be anything from exercising the body to exercising the mind or simply setting intentions to get the day off to a good start. It does not have to be lengthy, but it should focus on helping set your heart and mind right.

People also love to add movement to their mornings. It might be jogging, biking, hiking, or any myriad tasks that can have a positive impact on morning flow. The idea is to make sure you are setting yourself up for success today, but also for the days ahead. There is something to be said about ensuring you feel good about where your day is headed as it may have a lasting positive impact on your mind, body, and soul in the future.

We support your experiences with addiction by helping you establish new routines for your day. We help you honor the best way to deal with a lack of productivity or feeling a sense of accomplishment with resources and tools  Our program provides a special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.