How to Find Addiction Treatment Support for Pharmacists

How to Find Addiction Treatment Support for Pharmacists

Pharmacists provide patients with all the necessary drugs to treat all kinds of illnesses and diseases but they often forget they also need self care. Pharmacists have direct access to potent drugs that can be addictive. Prescription drug use is on the rise. Some pharmacists break the law and a code of ethics during the…

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What is Flakka and is it Dangerous?

What is Flakka and is it Dangerous?

A new stimulant drug is trending right now and it is called Flakka. Unfortunately, this drug is both dangerous and potentially lethal for people who use it because of all the chemicals. People who use this drug may exhibit bizarre symptoms or behaviors and it should be considered an extremely dangerous substance for people to…

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What Are Some Signs a Person is High on Drugs?

What Are Some Signs a Person is High on Drugs?

When a loved one uses drugs to get high, there is a change in their personality, physical appearance, and emotional state. Sometimes it is easy to notice, other times it is harder to spot because some people are good at covering things up. This can only go on for so long as a person who…

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What Jobs Have the Highest Addiction Rates?

Tips to Finding Rehab Support as a Healthcare Professional

Medical professionals are not immune to addiction. In fact, they may be more susceptible because of their access and privilege which affords them the opportunity to get their hands on more drugs and even more potent substances. Nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals are sitting in the crosshairs of a drug abuse epidemic claiming…

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How Can Family Therapy Be Beneficial in Rehab?

How Can Family Therapy Be Beneficial in Rehab?

The modern family defies definition in terms of who is the parent (or parents), how siblings are brought into a family, and how they operate together as a unit. Family therapy can help bridge all these various dynamics through supporting individuals in rehab. Behavioral health treatment that includes family therapy works better than treatment that…

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Be Aware of These 7 Signs of Codependency

Be Aware of These 7 Signs of Codependency

A codependent relationship is one that can happen when a loved one struggles with substance abuse, addiction, and eventually, recovery. The primary warning signs may not be obvious but they are important to be aware of in order to break the cycle of addiction. What is Codependency Codependency is an emotional and behavioral condition that…

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What Are Good Housing Options in Sobriety?

What Are Good Housing Options in Sobriety?

When a person struggles with addiction and never seeks professional help, it can be challenging to find them the right help. Getting treatment is essential to recovery yet it is not the only thing. Another part is finding supportive rehab throughout the process. For many people, this support can be found in their living environment.…

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