What to Know About the Risks of Juuling

What to Know About the Risks of Juuling

What to Know About the Risks of Juuling Juuling is a form of vaping that is popular amongst high schoolers and young adults. It is highly addictive yet marketed as a safe way to smoke nicotine. This product is disguised as healthier because it is made with nicotine salts rather than ‘free-base nicotine.’ this slim…

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Does Alcohol Impair Nutrition?

Does Alcohol Impair Nutrition?

Does Alcohol Impair Nutrition? Good nutrition and healthy eating habits are an essential part of providing energy for and maintaining function. Many people with alcoholism tend to eat less than the necessary amount of food to provide their vitamins and minerals for the day. Alcohol interferes with the nutrition process by impacting digestion, utilization, and…

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These 5 Lifestyle Changes Can Energize Your Recovery

These 5 Lifestyle Changes Can Energize Your Recovery

These 5 Lifestyle Changes Can Energize Your Recovery Addiction has no cure. It can be treated and managed but it puts you at risk for relapse. Knowing you must always work at recovery, it is important to make adjustments that are conductive to sobriety. The following five lifestyle changes may help energize your recovery in…

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Is there a Neurological Reason for Binge Drinking Behavior?

What is a Hallucination?

What is a Hallucination? Many drug hallucinations are mild, but sometimes people are transported into another reality altogether that seems very real at the time. A hallucination is something a person sees, hears, feels, smells, or tastes yet is not really there. Hallucinations happen under the influence of drugs and can be a symptom of…

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Why Alcohol and Energy Drinks Are Not Friends

Why Alcohol and Energy Drinks Are Not Friends

Why Alcohol and Energy Drinks Are Not Friends Many people understand alcohol and energy drinks are two very different things and that mixing them may not be a good thing. The more we understand about the toxic relationship between the two, the greater our understanding of the danger of mixing alcohol and energy drinks together.…

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What is a Wet Drug?

What is a Wet Drug?

Drugs can result in serious, often fatal repercussions. The origins of wet drugs dates back to the 1970s. People who used marijuana began dipping cigarettes or joints in a liquid form of PCP. Some drug dealers actually used embalming fluid to augment marijuana cigarettes, which led to it being used in other things. This use…

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Ready, Set, Goals: How to Move Forward in Recovery

Ready, Set, Goals: How to Move Forward in Recovery

The start of a new year comes with relief that last year is behind and the new one lies ahead, full of possibility. It is the perfect time to reassess certain areas of life and make much-needed changes. It is difficult to figure out how to move forward without really setting goals and priorities. Learn…

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What Are Risks and Dangers of Smoking Alcohol?

What Are Risks and Dangers of Smoking Alcohol?

Vaporized alcohol is trending right now in many spaces across demographics. The over consumption and abuse of alcohol in a non-traditional way has many people worried about how this is impacting people of all ages. It is a dangerous trend which carries many risks and dangers. Find out more about it and how it is…

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What Are Some Benefits of Residential Care?

What Are Some Benefits of Residential Care?

To overcome addiction, long-term residential drug rehab is the best choice. Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of the brain reward, memory, motivation, and related circuitry. When a person cannot abstain from alcohol or drugs, addiction also results in behavioral control impairment, cravings, inability to recognize problems with work, school, and interpersonal relationships. An addiction…

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