What is a Hallucination?
Many drug hallucinations are mild, but sometimes people are transported into another reality altogether that seems very real at the time. A hallucination is something a person sees, hears, feels, smells, or tastes yet is not really there. Hallucinations happen under the influence of drugs and can be a symptom of psychosis as well. In addition, hallucinations can happen to almost anyone if they are subjected to extreme physical or mental stress.
Visual Hallucinations
A visual hallucination can include mild distortions of what a person sees. People who use hallucinogenic drugs often describe mild distortions as pleasant. It might include:
- Colors appearing more vivid
- Seeing halos surrounding objects
- Experiencing visual illusions more clearly
- Seeing things differently in your peripheral vision
- Seeing faces as looking artificial or made of plastic, clay, or some other inanimate substance
- Seeing walls appear as if they are “breathing”
- Noticing patterns that had not been apparent before. These may be through naturally occurring patterns, such as the veins on a leaf, or patterns superimposed onto objects.
- Seeing entire objects or people who are not really there. This can sometimes be confusing to the person seeing them
Hallucinations are an effect of using hallucinogenic drugs like LSD. People experience them to different extents depending on who they are and what they are using at the time. People who have never hallucinated before may suddenly find themselves in an alien, seemingly make-believe world.
Auditory Hallucinations
An auditory hallucination can range from mild distortions to loud or quiet voices that may be friendly or may be intimidating. These hallucinations are common types of those experienced by people dealing with schizophrenia.
Tactile Hallucination
Tactile hallucinations are physical sensations of something not really there. Mild tactile hallucinations are common for people who are high on psychoactive drugs. They do not always come across as mild or pleasant. The effects are unpredictable.
Taste and Olfactory Hallucinations
A person may smell something not there and it is even more rare to taste something no there but it is possible with hallucinations to experience anything. Olfactory and taste can be troubling especially if delusions overlap the experience. A taste hallucination may be distressing and the person might perceive it as proof the delusion is true.
The Palmetto Center is based on a Therapeutic Community model. We help people learn how to live free of addiction. Our community support provides structure while trained counselors offer life skills training and therapeutic techniques to help you move past addiction. Our program provides special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.