Can Executive Rehab Help Professionals Recover?

Can Executive Rehab Help Professionals Recover?

Can Executive Rehab Help Professionals Recover? Addiction strikes professionals with intensity as much as anyone else can be hit with addiction at any point in their lives. When it comes, it can be hard to navigate life with it because of being a licensed professional who risks losing that license. Understanding treatment will help serve…

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Back to Business: Tips for Re-integrating Professionals Into Work in Recovery

Back to Business: Tips for Re-integrating Professionals Into Work in Recovery

Back to Business: Tips for Re-integrating Professionals Into Work in Recovery Substance abuse is tough on everyone, including family and friends. When it hits home professionally, colleagues and others also suffer the consequences. While employers may find cause to fire someone using substances, there are other options to address it head-on. The re-integration of professionals…

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Why is Being a Professional with Addiction So Daunting?

Why is Being a Professional with Addiction So Daunting?

Why is Being a Professional with Addiction So Daunting? Addiction itself is difficult to cope with on a daily basis. Even for people with high-functioning addiction, they can face the realities of life. When someone seems successful on the outside, they may have bigger challenges in their lives than anyone can see. The secretive disease…

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What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Professionals?

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Professionals?

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Professionals? Professionals who struggle with addiction and mental health issues often struggle in silence. Any executive can develop addiction and mental health issues. No lawyer, doctor, or other professional is immune. While lawyers may have money and power, they also have the same issues in life others have, on…

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