a doctor explaining the types of mental illness

Types of Mental Illness

There are many categories of mental illness. And because of the frequency with which people with addiction issues also have mental conditions, individuals who are interested in recovery and rehabilitation must understand them. If you are suffering from a substance use disorder and are struggling with your addiction, there is a high chance that you…

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Should Mental Health Be an Executive Priority?

Should Mental Health Be an Executive Priority?

Should Mental Health Be an Executive Priority? Working is part of an adult’s landscape in that they put many hours a week into it, more now than ever. If it is a fulfilling job, people find satisfaction and enjoyment from work. When it is stressful, they may not feel like themselves, get burned out, and…

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Why Do You Need a Therapist?

Why Do You Need a Therapist?

Why Do You Need a Therapist? Mental health issues can pop up at any given time for people. When you struggle with addiction, you might be numbing the pain of mental illness or have experienced it as a result of using drugs or alcohol. The stigma of seeing a therapist or getting help for mental…

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Why You Should Opt Outside in Recovery

Why You Should Opt Outside in Recovery

Why You Should Opt Outside in Recovery Lots of people live by to-do lists and regimens to get through the day. It is easier to go on autopilot than to focus on nature and being outside. So much of life is lived indoors from the moment people wake up to the time they get in…

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Why Are Cross and Co-Occurring Addictions So Challenging?

Why Are Cross and Co-Occurring Addictions So Challenging?

Why Are Cross and Co-Occurring Addictions So Challenging? Cross-addictions occur when people with addiction switch back and forth from one addiction to another. When people with addiction are unable to use their primary addiction for self-soothing or dissociation, they switch to a secondary addiction. Co-occurring addictions may occur when people with addiction engage in multiple…

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Does Exercise and Movement Really Help Recovery?

Does Exercise and Movement Really Help Recovery?

Does Exercise and Movement Really Help Recovery? Moving the body has myriad benefits for people in recovery. Simply moving every day can boost the mood and more intense exercising can create long lasting health benefits for the body. Making a daily commitment to stay physically active can optimize recovery. Here are some tips on how…

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