What Are Some Signs an Executive is Addicted to Drugs? Executives are not immune to the ravages of addiction. Most of them live in a world where pressure is high to perform and they feel like they have to be on all the time. There is no breathing room for executives who run from one…
These Tips Can Help You Build a Strong Core of Resilience in the Face of Adversity The road to resilience is paved with good intentions. It is also paved with adversity and hardship, especially for people in recovery from addiction. There seems to be a never-ending road of difficulties that people face at certain points…
How Long Does it Take the Brain to Heal from Drinking? The brain and body take a beating from alcohol abuse, depending on how long it takes place, but it is not easy to recover from the damage caused. In time, the brain can begin to repair itself and what it lost, but heavy drinking…
There are 4 Steps That May Help Someone Experience Hope for Treatment-Resistant Depression Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is no laughing matter for people who experience the challenges on a daily basis. It is hard to treat co-occurring depression along with substance abuse, but with the right treatment professionals, it can become easier to manage symptoms. TRD…
How Can People Stay Sober at Work While Others Struggle with Addiction? Staying sober on the job seems like a no-brainer, but for some people, getting drunk at work (or just after) is just part of the gig. There are people who consider themselves high-functioning, meaning they work and get things done while being addicted…
Burnout is a Challenge for Mental Health Professionals: How to Support Their Recovery Mental health specialists are not immune to struggles with addiction. They may be more susceptible given they work with people day in and day out who are struggling with various issues and need help. Lack of support at work, home, or structure…
What Are 5 Things People Should Know About Sobriety? Addiction recovery can be difficult for people because they may think they have to hit rock bottom to go to rehab. Sobriety is more than just hitting the lowest point in your journey of addiction. When your life is unmanageable, it may be time to consider…
Find Out What Factors Help a Doctor Recover from Addiction and Find Healing Generally speaking, physicians feel as if they are healthier overall than the general population. This may be true for some doctors. In spite of their education, nutrition, and lifestyle, they may feel invincible to the ravages of addiction. Perhaps they are in…
Why Do High-Level Executives Struggle with Addiction? Addiction can hit anybody, anywhere, of any age or demographic. Executives are especially susceptible for many reasons to addiction, including alcohol and drug use. Anything from ayahuasca to painkillers and heroin may be used by executives who crave a high, want to escape from the stressors of life,…
Why Specialized Treatment for Professionals Helps Them Thrive in Recovery Executives need a different focus when it comes to recovery from substance abuse. They come from a unique world with a unique set of needs. Often, they struggle to find addiction treatment options that work for them, yet, luxury rehab centers can work to meet…