Burnout is a Challenge for Mental Health Professionals: How to Support Their Recovery
Mental health specialists are not immune to struggles with addiction. They may be more susceptible given they work with people day in and day out who are struggling with various issues and need help. Lack of support at work, home, or structure of their job may lead to burnout. This challenge can lead to feeling discouraged and lowering of defenses, which makes addiction more likely.
How Burnout Happens
When a person has difficult situations happening at work on a daily basis, it can be triggering for some people. Even if they are trained to not focus on what other people tell them, it may be hard to separate themselves over time. Burnout can occur when mental health professionals have to face hard conversations with patients and families on a daily basis. Being the arbiter of bad news to families can be triggering. Fearing these discussions can cause stress, anxiety, and feelings of not enjoying the job any longer. Growing in awareness of how to support others through difficult circumstances does not always protect the person from experiencing difficulty themselves. Being aware of how the feelings arise and what the person is feeling is important.
Finding Support
There are many ways to find support when mental health professionals feel burnout coming on. One of the ways to find healing is to look at what is causing the burnout feelings and see what can be done to mitigate them before it turns into a deeper issue of mental health struggles or challenges with addiction. Some of the ways mental health professionals can find support include:
- Taking breaks during the day at work and not working long shifts
- Resting at home after work. This includes turning off the television or social media and reading a book or taking it easy
- Celebrating small victories
- Listening to soothing music that makes the person feel relaxed
- Get out in nature, walk, and experience the joy of being outside
- Set personal and professional boundaries
It is also healthy to ask for help. When burnout takes over and the person feels mentally or physically unable to focus, get tasks done, is procrastinating more, or just not feeling like themselves, it may be time to seek help. If substance abuse has entered the picture, then it is even more necessary to seek help and support so the person can get help for their addiction and return to life and work feeling healthier.
The Palmetto Center helps you find out why you are struggling at life and work and creates a program designed for you that helps you navigate life without substances. Our program provides special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.