Why Do High-Level Executives Struggle with Addiction?
Addiction can hit anybody, anywhere, of any age or demographic. Executives are especially susceptible for many reasons to addiction, including alcohol and drug use. Anything from ayahuasca to painkillers and heroin may be used by executives who crave a high, want to escape from the stressors of life, or simply cannot quit using drugs. Occasional use of drugs by some high-level executives is seen as part of the company culture for some, yet it is wreaking havoc on people’s lives.
Using Drugs to Perform
Drugs in the C-suite or among executives and professionals are often used for performance-related purposes. Marijuana can help people relax, like a glass of wine or vaping. Drinking with colleagues many nights of the week to burn off long work days and microdosing drugs can become trendy and cool for some executives. The risk becomes getting too comfortable with drug use to the point it is acceptable to use, rather than unacceptable and dangerous.
All About the Tech
Tech workers have talked about their use of drugs for some time openly, discussing how LSD or mushrooms helped them get a project done, and seeking other drugs that will make them more productive. People drink caffeine every day of the week thinking it is safe to keep putting high levels of the drug in their system. Even though it is more acceptable than LSD or mushrooms, it is still a performance-enhancing drug that people think is necessary to get work done. Tech workers often build platforms, businesses, and conglomerates while working non-stop for months at a time. There is little time for rest, relaxation, or downtime. Scientists and engineers are not immune to using drugs for their jobs as a way to cope with stress. Mental health issues can arise from chronic use of drugs, not to mention addiction and dependence.
Seeking Help
One of the problems of seeking help for addiction is the fact that few people around the individual may admit a problem exists in their life, let alone their friend’s lives. Stigma and denial are strong for people who risk losing everything, including their licenses, if they are found to be addicted to drugs. Confidential, flexible treatment options are available for those who seek opportunities to get well in rehab. It takes time to navigate the journey of recovery but is worth doing if it means living a longer, healthier life.
The Palmetto Center is based on a Therapeutic Community model. We help people learn how to live free of addiction. Our community support provides structure while trained counselors offer life skills training and therapeutic techniques to help you move past addiction. Our program provides a special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.