New Treatment Monitoring Chips May Be the Wave of the Future One of the major challenges in recovery treatment programs today focuses on blood tests and breathalyzers. Each has drawbacks which do not make them ideal but there are providers looking at ways to support people in recovery with microchips. The injectable chip goes under…
How Do I Confront a Loved One About Addiction Loving a person with addiction can be one of the hardest things to experience. The emotions you go through while they struggle can leave a person feeling overwhelmed and powerless. It can feel like one’s entire life is overtaken by substance abuse. If you take action…
How Do People Become Addicted to Sleeping Pills? People successfully treat short-term insomnia with sleeping pills, many become dependent on them. Approximately 38 million prescription for Ambien were written between 2006 and 2011. A perceived blessing for medical professionals has left people thinking there are no alternatives to help them with sleep or pain relief.…
Why Are Cross and Co-Occurring Addictions So Challenging? Cross-addictions occur when people with addiction switch back and forth from one addiction to another. When people with addiction are unable to use their primary addiction for self-soothing or dissociation, they switch to a secondary addiction. Co-occurring addictions may occur when people with addiction engage in multiple…
What Are Some Tips to Enhance Family Communication? Moving further into the new year, people tend to look back and wonder what happened to all those well-intentioned resolutions. They start to fade from sight in February and by summer may be all but gone. While you may be tempted to give up on what your…