These Tips Can Help You Cope Better with Anxiety Anxiety is a feeling that many people struggle with but few want to talk about. A few common triggers are working at a job for the first time, meeting new people, presenting in front of others, or going into everyday situations feeling uptight and unable to…
How Do I Know if I Struggle with Learned Helplessness? Learned helplessness is a state animals can get into when they meet negative stimuli when they try to escape. After awhile, they stop trying to get away. They assume the situation is hopeless and cannot be changed. This can become such an issue that even…
Does Trauma Lead to Addiction? Developing an addiction following trauma is pretty common. Studies can prove that trauma has many impacts on a person’s life, one of them being the desire to numb out the pain with substances or behavioral disorders. A traumatic event shifts a person’s thinking. Their body even can change physiologically in…
What Gets Treated First with Co-occurring Disorders? Substance use can change people’s behaviors, moods, and personalities. When this happens, it is difficult to determine underlying causes like mental illness or trauma. Living with undiagnosed mental health issues can make a person feel pushed to the margins. Addiction is, in itself, a mental illness, but it…
Self-Monitoring as a Pathway to Taking Back Recovery Can Help You Succeed Self-monitoring is an effective tool to help people in recovery from addiction. It is part of behavioral therapy. The idea is that behaviors can be changed when the person sees what they are doing. It is similar to looking in the mirror and…
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious mental health issue that can develop when a person experiences deep trauma. There can be challenges managing a person’s health and they will then need professional help to cope. However, it is a good idea to learn about how depressants and PTSD work because they may not be…
The challenges of substance abuse treatment are myriad but there are many options available to people who are interested in seeking help for addiction. A good treatment program for substance abuse will be holistic, comprehensive, and focused on the individual’s needs. Successful rehab for people with alcoholism may require dual diagnosis treatment while other addictions…
Drug abuse and dependence impacts people all over the world. Mental health issues are also a challenge for people. When a person has a problem with drugs, he may feel he has lost control of his life. Dealing with drug abuse or dependence is already challenging, but this condition can be more difficult to manage…
New Treatment Monitoring Chips May Be the Wave of the Future One of the major challenges in recovery treatment programs today focuses on blood tests and breathalyzers. Each has drawbacks which do not make them ideal but there are providers looking at ways to support people in recovery with microchips. The injectable chip goes under…
How Do I Confront a Loved One About Addiction Loving a person with addiction can be one of the hardest things to experience. The emotions you go through while they struggle can leave a person feeling overwhelmed and powerless. It can feel like one’s entire life is overtaken by substance abuse. If you take action…