Why is Executive Addiction Treatment Different Than Other Kinds of Rehab?

Why is Executive Addiction Treatment Different Than Other Kinds of Rehab?

Why is Executive Addiction Treatment Different Than Other Kinds of Rehab? The challenges professionals face in treatment for addiction are different than those for the average person seeking help. What makes their circumstances unique include the type of work they perform everyday, on top of struggling with addiction, while trying to maintain their professional lives.…

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What Are Some Tips on Paying for Rehab?

What Are Some Tips on Paying for Rehab?

Paying for rehab may seem like a huge task at first but that should not stop a person from getting what they need. Every person’s situation is different. People with a wide range of options don’t need to see it as a barrier to obtaining high-quality treatment. There are ways to pay for it. If…

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What Jobs Have the Highest Addiction Rates?

Tips to Finding Rehab Support as a Healthcare Professional

Medical professionals are not immune to addiction. In fact, they may be more susceptible because of their access and privilege which affords them the opportunity to get their hands on more drugs and even more potent substances. Nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals are sitting in the crosshairs of a drug abuse epidemic claiming…

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Why is Therapy Important in Rehab?

Why is Therapy Important in Rehab?

Addiction and drug abuse have many forms as the people who struggle with them also have. When a person realizes they have a drug problem, they may decide to get help from other people. Admitting a problem exists and seeking professional help are critical steps a person can take towards a new beginning in recovery.…

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Self-Monitoring as a Pathway to Taking Back Recovery Can Help You Succeed

Embrace Your Inner Introvert: Why it Helps Recovery

Embrace Your Inner Introvert: Why it Helps Recovery Recovering from drug or alcohol addiction is difficult for anyone. However, it may be really hard for a person who is an introvert. The demands on a person can be difficult and it may feel like it works against you. Learn some tips for how to handle…

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