Is Executive Rehab All About the Luxury?

Is Executive Rehab All About the Luxury?

Is Executive Rehab All About the Luxury? Executive rehab is not a place to just go and hang out, have fun, and leave in the end. Rehab is serious business no matter where you go. It is all about where a person goes and what they are there for, but overall, the goal of rehab…

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What Willingness to Recover Has to Do with Healing

What Willingness to Recover Has to Do With Healing

What Willingness to Recover Has to Do With Healing Nobody can be forced to recover from addiction. The first step to healing is admitting a problem exists, followed by the second step, which is the willingness to receive treatment. Addiction steals many things from a person’s life, but it can be the will and desire…

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Why Ecotherapy is Good for the Soul

Why Ecotherapy is Good for the Soul

Why Ecotherapy is Good for the Soul Going into nature is not everybody’s cup of tea. Especially if you did not grow up doing it, you may not really even like it. The thing is, nature is us and we are nature. We are part of this global ball we call Earth which has beauty…

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Does Opioid Addiction Have Roots with Dentists?

Does Opioid Addiction Have Roots with Dentists?

Does Opioid Addiction Have Roots with Dentists? The dentist is not everybody’s favorite person to visit. It comes with a measure of discomfort about what to expect going in, even if just for a cleaning. Some people who go in never expect to become addicted to prescription painkillers to help ease discomfort from surgery on…

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Why Do You Need a Therapist?

Why Do You Need a Therapist?

Why Do You Need a Therapist? Mental health issues can pop up at any given time for people. When you struggle with addiction, you might be numbing the pain of mental illness or have experienced it as a result of using drugs or alcohol. The stigma of seeing a therapist or getting help for mental…

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What is Brain Restoration and How Does it Help Recovery?

What is Brain Restoration and How Does it Help Recovery?

What is Brain Restoration and How Does it Help Recovery? The brain has the power to restore itself. The positive impact on mental health, energy levels, and cognitive function is huge. It plays an important role in the early stages of detox and recovery. Although main treatment programs look at AA for 12-step and other…

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