How to Handle Relapse for Treatment Professionals

How to Handle Relapse for Treatment Professionals

How to Handle Relapse for Treatment Professionals People who treat others for addiction are not immune to the challenges of recovery when working with people who use drugs or drink alcohol. It is hard to know how to handle a situation like that when it comes to helping others because it feels like it should…

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How Does Alcoholism Impact People with Borderline Personality Disorder?

How Does Alcoholism Impact People with Borderline Personality Disorder?

How Does Alcoholism Impact People with Borderline Personality Disorder? Whether it is genetics or environment, or a combination of the two, alcoholism has a detrimental effect on people’s lives. Their relationships, work, personal lives, and health all suffer as a result of long term alcohol abuse. In addition, many people suffer silently with borderline personality…

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How Do I Avoid Summertime Relapse Triggers?

How Do I Avoid Summertime Relapse Triggers?

How Do I Avoid Summertime Relapse Triggers? Addiction treatment is a step on the road to recovery, even though it is not the whole road. The road is really a journey that lasts a lifetime without a final destination. There is always more to learn, more to do, and growth to happen on the way.…

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How to Say ‘No Thanks’ When Out with Friends

How to Say ‘No Thanks’ When Out with Friends

How to Say ‘No Thanks’ When Out with Friends Going out with friends and socializing in recovery can bring up all kinds of triggers. A common situation may include a barbecue, gathering, or event where there is alcohol being served. By accepting the invitation, there is a chance someone may offer a drink and a…

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What Does Detox from Marijuana Look Like?

What Does Detox from Marijuana Look Like?

What Does Detox from Marijuana Look Like? Marijuana is being touted for its medicinal qualities in the news media, but the drug can have increasingly devastating effects on people who use it recreationally. Addiction and dependence are very real challenges for people who struggle with marijuana use in their lives. One of the necessary components…

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What Willingness to Recover Has to Do with Healing

What Willingness to Recover Has to Do With Healing

What Willingness to Recover Has to Do With Healing Nobody can be forced to recover from addiction. The first step to healing is admitting a problem exists, followed by the second step, which is the willingness to receive treatment. Addiction steals many things from a person’s life, but it can be the will and desire…

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