Can Exercise Help Beat Addiction?

Can Exercise Help Beat Addiction?

Can Exercise Help Beat Addiction? Treatment for addiction involves some kind of ‘talk therapy’ or counseling, with a focus on helping the person with addiction sort out why they keep engaging in behaviors, in spite of problems. While people can work on certain habits like exercise, the reality is it is one piece of a…

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What Are Communication Tips for Talking to Someone with Addiction?

What Are Communication Tips for Talking to Someone with Addiction?

What Are Communication Tips for Talking to Someone with Addiction? When you act with kindness and compassion, you begin to see the difference from communicating out of a place of stigmatization or criticism of others. Addiction is stigmatizing enough. People with addictions expect others to insult or belittle them. By accepting them, you start to…

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What Are 5 Things to Avoid in Early Recovery?

What Are 5 Things to Avoid in Early Recovery?

What Are 5 Things to Avoid in Early Recovery? Now that you are in early recovery, you are on the other side of addiction. It may feel uncomfortable, scary, frustrating or myriad other feelings. Newly sober people might feel truly alive also, not having felt as good as they do now. If you are feeling…

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Cocaine May Play a Role in Depression: Here’s How

Cocaine May Play a Role in Depression: Here’s How Many people who suffer from depression and have used cocaine a long time may experience depressive episodes at a higher rate than others. Scientists believe it is linked to damage the drug does to brain cells which make people feel high when they do cocaine. Damaging…

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How Does Trauma Lead to Addiction?

How Does Trauma Lead to Addiction?

How Does Trauma Lead to Addiction? Addiction following trauma is pretty common as a response to the impact of the events that occurred. Not everyone turns to addiction but it can happen before a person realizes it has occurred. A traumatic event is something that causes emotional, mental, or physical harm. It can lead to…

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How Do I Find a Job with a Criminal Record?

How Do I Find a Job with a Criminal Record?

How Do I Find a Job with a Criminal Record? A person in recovery from addiction can find themselves in legal trouble once, maybe more, depending on their circumstances. Finding a job after getting any kind of criminal record can feel challenging and frustrating. When you are working to rebuild your life, it can feel…

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