What Jobs Have the Highest Addiction Rates? American workers are abusing alcohol and drugs at increasing rates. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health indicate substance abuse contributes to lost productivity, injuries, accidents, and increased rates of severe illness. The economic losses are in the billions of dollars. Find out which professions see the…
Why Do Doctors Struggle with Addiction? Doctors struggle with drug and alcohol addictions at similar or higher rates than the general population. They are exposed to many of the same risk factors for addiction and mental health disorders like childhood trauma, anxiety, and depression. These issues may be compounded by the stress of their profession,…
Does Trauma Lead to Addiction? Developing an addiction following trauma is pretty common. Studies can prove that trauma has many impacts on a person’s life, one of them being the desire to numb out the pain with substances or behavioral disorders. A traumatic event shifts a person’s thinking. Their body even can change physiologically in…
Why E-Cigarettes Are Not a Safe Alternative to Smoking Cigarettes Chemicals used in the flavoring of electronic cigarettes may impair the function of cilia in the human airway. Cilia are antennae-like things that protrude in the airway. They keep it clear of mucus and dirt which allow people to breathe more easily and without irritation.…
What Are the Properties of Khat and Addictive Potential? When you hear people chew ‘khat’ or ‘qat,’ you my wonder what it is. Qat or khat is a drug composed of the leaves of a wild, East African shrub called Catha edulis, which contains mild stimulants. Cathinone and cathine are two stimulants in the drug.…
The Curious Link Between Intestinal Bacteria and Alcoholism Bacteria in the gut are having a field day right now. The microbes in the gut are seen more now than ever as essential to overall health. They may even play a role in alcohol addiction and risk of relapse. Studies are being done which look at…
Why Are Synthetic Drugs Dangerous? Keeping up with the world of synthetic drugs is an endless game for law enforcement. They are out there, infiltrating the streets and taking over people’s lives. People who tinker with the drugs, change, and alter how the drugs work are making them more lethal than ever. Despite a gray…
Does Drinking Alcohol Have Negative Effects on IBS? No getting around it-alcohol plays a huge role in our culture. Events, celebrations, holidays, and other spaces take up a lot of room with alcohol. Even though it can have detrimental effects for people’s health, they persist on drinking a lot. For a person with irritable bowel…
How Can I Tell if the Person I’m Dating Drinks Too Much? Maybe you know someone or are dating a person who is drinking too much. Something tells you they have a problem and there is nothing you can put your finger on because the person is exhibiting recognizable symptoms of alcohol use disorder. Experts…
Ask Yourself These Questions Before Deciding to Move in Recovery Moving from where you are now to somewhere else may seem like the right choice. When you drink and use drugs, you are not thinking straight. This is when you make bad decisions and choices. Recovery brings hope for change. However, there is a limit…