How to Navigate Convulsions if They Impact Your Life
A convulsion is an episode where you might experience rigidity and uncontrolled muscle spasms along with altered consciousness. The spasms cause jerky movements that generally last a minute or two. Convulsions may occur during certain epileptic seizures. You may have convulsions even though you don’t have epilepsy. Convulsions can be a symptom of a number of conditions, including former substance abuse.
Convulsions vs. Seizures
People use the worlds convulsions and seizures in the same sentence, but they are not the same thing. A seizure is a burst of electrical activity in the brain. Symptoms depend on where the brain is experiencing a seizure. Somet types are so subtle you may not be aware someone is having one. Other times, convulsions happen where the person experiences jerking motions and movement in their body.
Symptoms of Convulsion
Convulsions are easy to spot as the person will most obviously be struggling with something in their body. Some signs include:
- Lack of awareness or loss of consciousness
- Eyes rolling into the back of the head
- Changes to breathing
- Jerky movements of the limbs
- Lack of control over body
- Inability to respond
These symptoms last from a few seconds to several minutes, but may last longer. Children who experience them may become cranky and some may fall into a deep sleep lasting an hour or more. If a convulsion lasts longer than five minutes, it is best to call a doctor and get an assessment. Emergency care should happen if it is a child, if the person is seriously ill, if more than one happens or if they were drinking or using drugs prior.
Finding Support
Febrile convulsions in children are temporary. Your child may have one and never have another one. As an adult, the person may experience them with some frequency until they get medication and therapy to support their brain and body. Epilepsy related to drug use can be controlled with medication but it may help to find what is triggering it so that you can live a life that does not involve fear of having convulsions at any time day or night.
The Palmetto Center is based on a Therapeutic Community model. We help people learn how to live free of addiction. Our community support provides structure while trained counselors offer life skills training and therapeutic techniques to help you move past addiction. Our program provides special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.