These 6 Effects of Caffeine Might Surprise You Caffeine can have surprising effects on people’s lives. It may be good for people to some degree, but it can also be detrimental to their health. Some people are surprised by the effects of caffeine on the body. It helps to have a list of ways caffeine…
Does Alcohol Stay in the Body Longer Than Previously Thought? The body does not process alcohol as fast as some people might think. This means people who drink then drive may be putting themselves at greater risk. Just drinking water after having four beers for the rest of the night might not be enough to…
Enjoy More Summer Holidays in Recovery with These 5 Tips Recovery can be tough at any season, including holidays. When people are in recovery, they are doing their best to stay clean and sober, but life. Life throws triggers, cravings, and other stressors into the mix that makes it really hard to feel like sobriety…
When Executives Have Co-Occurring Disorders, It Can Help to Remember This Mental health issues are nothing new for some people with addiction. In fact, many people with addiction face this crisis at some point in their lives. It may even be the reason they begin using drugs in the first place. At least 20% of…
Is it Too Late to Apologize? There is much to be said about apologizing to people, only too little too late. Sometimes, it feels like apologizing for things in the past is irrational. What good can come from basically saying ‘I’m sorry,’ but for something so long ago memories get clouded by time. When offering…
CBD Use May Come at a Price: Why People with Addiction Should Proceed with Caution Products that come from CBD vaping liquids have been known to contain chemicals that are dangerous to people’s health. Products may contain compounds that are found in illegal, synthetic marijuana, which can trigger panic attacks, convulsions, and even death. CBD…
How to Cope When Professional Leaders Have Addiction Dependency on drugs can impact people’s lives and their professional careers. Leaders with addiction can make strange bedfellows because good leaders need to be focused and in control. Addiction is the complete opposite of this. To recognize and deal with dependency on leadership is challenging. The lack…
How Long Does it Take to Detox and Withdraw from Marijuana? Detoxing from marijuana and going through withdrawal can be taxing on the body and mind. Withdrawal symptoms vary for every individual, with causes being physical and psychological. There is no way to tell before quitting who will experience severe symptoms. Knowing what to expect…
Academics Struggle with Alcoholism: How to Help Them Navigate Recovery The profession of academia is not for the faint-of-heart. More challenging for academics is they think they are smarter than the addiction itself. Alcoholism, especially, is tricky to navigate because academics continue to struggle with drinking as a way of coping with the stress of…
These Tips Can Help You Support a Loved One Through Relapse to Find Hope When people go through addiction they are struggling with lots of scenarios. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually, they are juggling who they want people to believe they are with the realities of addiction. People with addiction are more prone to relapse if…