Does Stigma of Addiction Still Keep People from Getting Clean and Sober?

Does Stigma of Addiction Still Keep People from Getting Clean and Sober?

Americans struggle with addiction every year. Estimates range around 22 million people, or nearly 10 percent of the population, struggles with addiction. Most people who struggle are not receiving necessary treatment to support their addiction. Many people associate stigma with substance abuse, while not fully understanding addiction. Understanding Addiction Addiction is considered a problem of…

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Do Recovery and Regret Go Hand in Hand?

Do Recovery and Regret Go Hand in Hand?

Do Recovery and Regret Go Hand in Hand? Making bad decisions is kind of part of the process of struggling with addiction. You are not in your right frame of mind to do anything good sometimes and you hurt people you care about. You even hurt yourself. Regret can creep in and that can change…

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What Are Risks and Dangers of Smoking Alcohol?

What is the Role of Self-Doubt in Relapse?

What is the Role of Self-Doubt in Relapse? You are not the only person who has trouble with self-doubt. You may regret what you did while in addiction but everyone has those things. Don’t let people treat you today as if you are still in active addiction. Self-doubt can follow you around unless you work…

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How Do I Confront a Loved One About Addiction

How Do I Confront a Loved One About Addiction

How Do I Confront a Loved One About Addiction Loving a person with addiction can be one of the hardest things to experience. The emotions you go through while they struggle can leave a person feeling overwhelmed and powerless. It can feel like one’s entire life is overtaken by substance abuse. If you take action…

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What Do I Do if I Fall Off the Wagon?

What Do I Do if I Fall Off the Wagon?

What Do I Do if I Fall Off the Wagon? People who struggle with substance use disorder can experience a relapse at any time. It can seemingly come out of nowhere, but there are ways to build a stronger foundation that may resist temptations to use alcohol or drugs. The trick is to turn a…

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