Self Image & Addiction

Stewart Bedillion, MA, LPC   King Solomon said, “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” Solomon was simply stating something that I observe every day working with patients at Palmetto: people generally become what they believe they are. Society refers to this concept as self-image, self-worth, or self-regard. If it is true…

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How to choose the right sober living home

When you’re searching for the right sober living home for yourself or a loved one, you want to rest assured knowing that you’re choosing the best program for long-term success. How do you know when you’ve found the right place? Every individual has unique needs and deserves a sober living home and treatment program prepared…

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How Long Does Treatment Take?

Deciding to seek help with recovery from alcohol or drug addiction is an enormous hurdle for many individuals and families. Once you or a family member have made that decision, so many questions arise about how best to plan for recovery that the process can often feel overwhelming. Chief among many families’ questions is: “How…

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Group Rehab Vs. Individual Rehab

People struggling with addiction can find hope and healing through rehabilitation programs. For many, considering these options can feel overwhelming. Whether you’re searching for rehabilitation solutions for yourself or helping a family member, Palmetto Addiction Recovery Center is your trusted partner. We offer hope for people seeking recovery from drug, alcohol, or process addiction. As…

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What to Look for – and What to Avoid – When Searching for an Addiction Treatment Program

Addiction treatment is a serious undertaking – and the best treatment programs are based in medically-informed, evidence-based practices. But looking for addiction treatment programs and facilities can be intimidating and overwhelming. Whether you are searching for addiction treatment for yourself or a family member, you likely have a lot of questions about what programs can…

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a person drinking a bottle of whiskey by themselves showing signs of alcoholism

Signs of Alcoholism

Knowing when, or if, you’ve crossed over the line from moderate or social drinking to problem drinking can be a challenge. However, if you are drinking to cope with the difficulties in your life or maybe just to avoid feeling bad, you’re moving into potentially dangerous territory and could be at the tipping point. Alcoholism…

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a child crying while his dad drinks not thinking about alcoholism and parenting

Alcoholism and Parenting

Parenting can put a strain on any aspect of life. Many times, new parents have to learn to adjust to their new responsibilities. Although the transition comes easy for some, others must find ways to adjust or cope. For alcoholics, parenting can take a toll on their sobriety – especially for those who are highly…

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man near alcohol bottles struggling with an alcohol addiction

Alcohol Addiction and the Treatment Options Available

Alcohol abuse is the term used to describe the habit of drinking unhealthily every day or consuming large quantities of alcohol at a time. It can be very destructive and ruin your relationships, render you unemployed because of absenteeism from work, or make you break laws such as DUI (driving under the influence of alcohol).…

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