Ask Yourself These Questions Before Deciding to Move in Recovery Moving from where you are now to somewhere else may seem like the right choice. When you drink and use drugs, you are not thinking straight. This is when you make bad decisions and choices. Recovery brings hope for change. However, there is a limit…
Can Exercise Help Beat Addiction? Treatment for addiction involves some kind of ‘talk therapy’ or counseling, with a focus on helping the person with addiction sort out why they keep engaging in behaviors, in spite of problems. While people can work on certain habits like exercise, the reality is it is one piece of a…
What is Brain Restoration and How Does it Help Recovery? The brain has the power to restore itself. The positive impact on mental health, energy levels, and cognitive function is huge. It plays an important role in the early stages of detox and recovery. Although main treatment programs look at AA for 12-step and other…
Why Meditation Can Cure Everything (but Still be Helpful in Recovery) Meditation is having a heyday at the moment. It seems everything is turning to meditation as a means of supporting people spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, and in other ways to find peace and rest in a crazy world. Many westerners, in particular, come looking for…
How Do People Get Connected to Treatment? When a person decides they are ready for treatment, time is going to move quickly. Getting connected before the fear and anxiety take over can be lifesaving. People who try to come to grips with addiction must learn how to cope with a substance use issue when they…
Why the Idea of Post-Traumatic Growth May Be Trickier Than We Think Post-traumatic growth is a term that has been thrown around TED talks, books, and academic research centers. It is one of those ideas upon which entire empires are built. PTSD was the old way of talking about post-traumatic stress, now there is a…
What Are Communication Tips for Talking to Someone with Addiction? When you act with kindness and compassion, you begin to see the difference from communicating out of a place of stigmatization or criticism of others. Addiction is stigmatizing enough. People with addictions expect others to insult or belittle them. By accepting them, you start to…
These Cheap Ways to Make Friends and Have Fun in Recovery May Surprise You One of the reasons drinking is so popular is that many drinkers find it helpful in social situations to release tension and be more connected to others. Untreated heavy drinkers struggle with how to imagine life without alcohol. Making friends without…
What Are 5 Things to Avoid in Early Recovery? Now that you are in early recovery, you are on the other side of addiction. It may feel uncomfortable, scary, frustrating or myriad other feelings. Newly sober people might feel truly alive also, not having felt as good as they do now. If you are feeling…
Can Healthy Diet Really Help in Recovery? The right fuel in the body can provide an immense amount of energy, support, and mental clarity for a person in recovery. Health is holistic when it comes to diet and overall wellness. Addiction takes a toll on a person’s body but recovery can help a person’s body…