How to Embrace an Ending as a New Beginning

How to Embrace an Ending as a New Beginning

How to Embrace an Ending as a New Beginning It is hard to begin something new as another thing is ending. Endings can be painful and difficult to navigate. Sometimes they are necessary to move you to the next phase of life, like quitting drugs or alcohol and entering recovery. Conflicted feelings may emerge about…

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Why You Should Opt Outside in Recovery

Why You Should Opt Outside in Recovery

Why You Should Opt Outside in Recovery Lots of people live by to-do lists and regimens to get through the day. It is easier to go on autopilot than to focus on nature and being outside. So much of life is lived indoors from the moment people wake up to the time they get in…

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How Does Trauma Lead to Addiction?

How Does Trauma Lead to Addiction?

How Does Trauma Lead to Addiction? Addiction following trauma is pretty common as a response to the impact of the events that occurred. Not everyone turns to addiction but it can happen before a person realizes it has occurred. A traumatic event is something that causes emotional, mental, or physical harm. It can lead to…

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Cocaine May Play a Role in Depression: Here’s How

Cocaine May Play a Role in Depression: Here’s How Many people who suffer from depression and have used cocaine a long time may experience depressive episodes at a higher rate than others. Scientists believe it is linked to damage the drug does to brain cells which make people feel high when they do cocaine. Damaging…

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How Do I Let Go of Anger in Recovery?

How Do I Let Go of Anger in Recovery?

How Do I Let Go of Anger in Recovery? With elections just recently behind us, there have been feelings of anger, fear, resentment, and other ones that come up for people. On a daily basis, the news spreads lots of ideas and information that people take in without thinking about it at all. Social media…

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