Do you or a close friend or family member know someone who is Anorexic? Odds are that you do, and you might not even know it. Did you know that Palmetto provides counseling for women? We are proud to welcome Layne Cook, LMSW to our staff. As a counselor, she works with clients that have…
Treatment for addiction encompasses a range of variables and stages that work together to address the challenges that one faces when starting the road to their recovery as well as providing help for the loved ones that are also affected along the way. The treatment process is different for everyone and is determined by the…
Being addicted to drugs and/or alcohol and being in a loving relationship is like putting a match to dynamite. The combination can be explosive and deadly to a relationship. The destruction doesn’t stop there either but goes on to affect children, parents, siblings and beyond. Learn more about how relationships and addiction affect everyone around…
Knowing when, or if, you’ve crossed over the line from moderate or social drinking to problem drinking can be a challenge. However, if you are drinking to cope with the difficulties in your life or maybe just to avoid feeling bad, you’re moving into potentially dangerous territory and could be at the tipping point. Alcoholism…
Oxycodone is a legal prescription drug that teens often view as a harmless way to get high. Many teenagers are introduced to the drug by friends at school who have access to the drug because it is a legally prescribed drug and found in many home medicine cabinets, making it easily accessible for teens. Needless…
Addiction follows a very specific process. It does not matter if you are addicted to over-the-counter medication, heroin, marijuana or alcohol, the addiction process remains the same. Understanding the 5 stages of addiction may help you enter into recovery faster or help save someone that is suffering from an addiction. Step 1 – Experimental Process…
There are several common misconceptions when it comes to treating people with substance use disorders. It was thought for a long time, for instance, that addiction was simply a matter of will power and determination rather than the disease that we now know it to be. It is still commonly thought, however, that there is…
You are about to make the most important decision of your life. You are about to commit to your own sobriety. It is a gift that will change the course of the rest of your life. But more than that, you are making a decision that will have a ripple effect, changing the lives of…
A new year is time for new beginnings. And no matter what your 2019 might have looked like, there is always room for self-improvement. From resolutions of losing weight and exercising more, to promises to spend more time with family and friends, the new year is the time to get things started. There are plenty…
Parenting can put a strain on any aspect of life. Many times, new parents have to learn to adjust to their new responsibilities. Although the transition comes easy for some, others must find ways to adjust or cope. For alcoholics, parenting can take a toll on their sobriety – especially for those who are highly…