Why Gratitude Can Change Your Attitude About Recovery
Think for a moment about what gratitude means. It is not just a word, it is a way of life in recovery. Without gratitude, it is hard to see ahead and embrace life. Though it may not seem so in the moment, gratitude really does have a positive impact on moving forward in recovery and beyond that moment that feels too big to navigate alone. Those who reflect on the good in their lives are generally less depressed and happier. Learn more about how gratitude shifts your attitude and how to make adjustments along the way.
When it’s Hard
Recovery is going to be hard, no doubt about it. It may be hard from the get-go, but it is supposed to get easier. If it is not getting easier at some point and feeling more like a way of life, you may be struggling more than necessary. The reasons for this vary, but, ultimately, you may just need to adjust your attitude to focus on something different right now. Finding the maturity and understanding to make it work, even when it’s hard is one of the best skills you can learn in recovery.
Growing in Maturity
Emotional maturity is about handling conflict or situations without them escalating. Maturity comes with age, but also wisdom to do things differently than in the past. The ability to express gratitude is a huge sign of emotional maturity. Through cognitive behavioral therapy, it is possible to learn how to make stronger emotional bonds. You develop the ability to not blame others for your situation or problems and release the victim mentality. Gratitude changes your attitude also because you understand the world at large in a new way. Emotional maturity is possible no matter how soon (or far) along in recovery you may be.
How-To-Guide to Gratitude
The practice of gratitude comes through prayer and time according to some people. For others, it is meditation, quiet spaces, and a healthy living routine. The power of gratitude, compassion, and emotional healing may help you learn how to process emotions in a healthy way. Think about some of the following:
- Meditate in order to understand the present moment
- Don’t worry about the future
- Look at the little things
- Go to therapy that focuses on gratitude-based practices
The final step is to not stop, even when it’s hard. There may be times and spaces when it feels difficult to journey forward with recovery and hold gratitude with open hands, but it is possible. It is healing to journey into recovery feeling like you are on the right track. Some days you will not always feel like practicing gratitude, but don’t hesitate to think of at least one thing each day you can be grateful for and honor that in the moment. Soon, you will be practicing gratitude regularly and feel the joy of it for the journey ahead.
The Palmetto Center is based on a Therapeutic Community model. We help you discover the power of gratitude for recovery. Our program provides a special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.