Paying for rehab may seem like a huge task at first but that should not stop a person from getting what they need. Every person’s situation is different. People with a wide range of options don’t need to see it as a barrier to obtaining high-quality treatment. There are ways to pay for it. If a person is uninsured, they may wonder how to pay for rehab without insurance but there are key pathways to paying for rehab without worrying about cost.
No Insurance
If a person has medical insurance through an employer, it most likely provides benefits for substance use disorders and mental health services. If a person is enrolled in a plan offered on the marketplace, the plan is required to cover essential health benefits, which include mental health and substance use disorder services. This also includes behavioral health treatment like counseling and psychotherapy. Treatment providers vary according to the place so it is helpful to check with them to find out how they cover people without insurance and what is available to them.
Employee Assistance Programs
Most employers provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to employees. This is a confidential program available to help manage personal and work-related issues like child care, family issues, grief, and addiction. These programs are provided at no cost and may extend to other members of the family covered by insurance. If the employer does offer an EAP, it helps to contact the admissions person at the place where an individual wants to attend rehab to explore all the options as well as speaking with the employer.
Healthcare Loans
There may be third-party healthcare loans to help pay for rehab. It depends on the ability to obtain private loans that rely on credit and financial circumstances. If approved, it may cover the cost of rehab with monthly installments, it can be financed appropriately and other options may be available to offset it as well to keep costs low.
Not everyone has money to pay for rehab, but if personal finances do not permit a bigger payment, there may be family willing to help pay for rehab or others to support the journey of recovery. Admissions people at the chosen facility often have all this information ready to go and are willing to support individuals in making the best choices for their care, or for their loved ones, so they can get what they need.
It can be hard to think about finances when a person’s life is on the line because of addiction issues. The challenge is to find a pathway that works best for the person and their family by choosing a rehab facility that gives them what they need to heal and journey back to health and well-being.
The Palmetto Center is based on a Therapeutic Community model. We help people learn how to live free of addiction. We work with you to decide the best course of treatment and offer ways to attend our program that are affordable for those who want to get well. Our community support provides structure while trained counselors offer life skills training and therapeutic techniques to help you move past addiction. Our program provides special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.