New Treatment Monitoring Chips May Be the Wave of the Future One of the major challenges in recovery treatment programs today focuses on blood tests and breathalyzers. Each has drawbacks which do not make them ideal but there are providers looking at ways to support people in recovery with microchips. The injectable chip goes under…
Does Exercise and Movement Really Help Recovery? Moving the body has myriad benefits for people in recovery. Simply moving every day can boost the mood and more intense exercising can create long lasting health benefits for the body. Making a daily commitment to stay physically active can optimize recovery. Here are some tips on how…
How Can I Cope with Triggered Emotions in Recovery? Emotions can drive people to drink or use drugs. Maybe when a person drinks they feel stressed, or smoke marijuana to ease pain, loneliness, or something else. Just having those feelings in recovery can give them a desire to use – a craving. Commonly triggering feelings…