Can you ever be cured of an addiction?

Addiction can disrupt your life and the lives of those around you. Whether you’re struggling with addiction or have started your journey to recovery, addiction can cause feelings of loneliness and desperation. At some point in your recovery – or maybe several points – you may find yourself asking: “Isn’t there a cure?!” Take it…

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Eating Disorders and Unrealistic American Beauty

– Layne Cook, LMSW   Over 5 million Americans suffer from eating disorders (ED), which include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Millions more display ED or disorder eating symptoms without meeting the diagnostic criteria for a full-blown disorder. EDs adversely affect both physical and psychological functioning, are more fatal than any other…

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7 Tips for Achieving Long Term Recovery

Whether you’re just exploring recovery options for addiction, you’ve just finished an inpatient or intensive outpatient recovery program, or you’ve been in recovery for years, maintaining your sobriety is a lifelong journey. There are no quick fixes or miracle cures for addiction; long term recovery requires patience with yourself and the process. Here are seven…

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Why Did I Relapse? Top Triggers of Relapse

– Dr. Jay Piland, ABAM   On your journey to recovery and sobriety, relapse can feel like a major failure, and the resulting stress and anxiety can cause feelings of hopelessness. But it’s important to know that relapse happens in many paths to recovery and, while not necessarily inevitable or unavoidable, is a common occurrence.…

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Self Image & Addiction

Stewart Bedillion, MA, LPC   King Solomon said, “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” Solomon was simply stating something that I observe every day working with patients at Palmetto: people generally become what they believe they are. Society refers to this concept as self-image, self-worth, or self-regard. If it is true…

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How to choose the right sober living home

When you’re searching for the right sober living home for yourself or a loved one, you want to rest assured knowing that you’re choosing the best program for long-term success. How do you know when you’ve found the right place? Every individual has unique needs and deserves a sober living home and treatment program prepared…

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How Long Does Treatment Take?

Deciding to seek help with recovery from alcohol or drug addiction is an enormous hurdle for many individuals and families. Once you or a family member have made that decision, so many questions arise about how best to plan for recovery that the process can often feel overwhelming. Chief among many families’ questions is: “How…

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Group Rehab Vs. Individual Rehab

People struggling with addiction can find hope and healing through rehabilitation programs. For many, considering these options can feel overwhelming. Whether you’re searching for rehabilitation solutions for yourself or helping a family member, Palmetto Addiction Recovery Center is your trusted partner. We offer hope for people seeking recovery from drug, alcohol, or process addiction. As…

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