Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious mental health issue that can develop when a person experiences deep trauma. There can be challenges managing a person’s health and they will then need professional help to cope. However, it is a good idea to learn about how depressants and PTSD work because they may not be a good mix to use together.
What is PTSD
A person can develop PTSD after going through a scary or stressful experience. Any of the following can lead to PTSD developing sometime in a person’s life:
- Abuse
- Rape
- Assault
- Natural disaster
- Serious accidents
- Unexpected death of a loved one
- War
Symptoms of PTSD
A person who suffer from PTSD may experience some of the following symptoms, which may include some or all of them:
- Avoiding events, objects or places related to trauma
- Bad dreams
- Challenges recalling the experience
- Emotional numbness
- Extreme tension leading to angry outbursts
- Loss of interest in daily activities
Mixing Depressants and PTSD
Since depression is a major symptom of PTSD, it can be dangerous for a person with the disorder to use depressants. Depressants, also known as sedatives, can decrease brain activity. The following are included in the list of sedatives:
- Benzos: prescribed for anxiety, stress, panic attacks, and sleep disorders
- Non-benzos: fewer side effects than benzos and lower the risk of dependency while supporting many of the same symptoms
- Barbiturates: high risk of overdose, used in surgical procedures to treat seizures
Treatment Options for PTSD
Two main types of therapy help treat PTSD including psychological and medicinal. Group therapy, hypnotherapy, and eye movemnet desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) are included in therapeutic help for PTSD. some people suffering from PTSD are prescribed antidepressants. These can help a person manage the disorder’s symptoms of anxiety, depression, aggression, and suicidal thoughts. The dangers and risks can come not only from intensifying the symptoms of the disorder but may negatively interact with prescribed antidepressants. Depressants hsould be avoided and help sought after if a person is using both together.
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