How Long Do Drugs Stay in the Body? When people get drug tested at work, there are ways to tell how long substances have been in the body. Whether it is urine, hair, or blood, the likelihood of any drugs showing up if you use drugs is pretty possible. The best way to pass a…
Achievement Addiction Can Be Blinding: Learn Some Ways to Slow Down and Enjoy Success Panic attacks can impact a person’s quality of life. For many years, they can be part of a person’s employment experience, pushing themselves to achieve at increasingly higher levels while never fully finding their footing at work. Achievement addiction pushes people…
Why Are Drugs and Alcohol Impacting More Executives and Professionals? Adrenaline is the name of the game for some executives who flourish under pressure and love going after projects till completion. Other people may not like it as much because it is harder for them to keep up with all the work after a certain…
Detox and Withdrawal from Alcohol Varies for Each Person: What to Expect in Rehab Drinking heavily is not good for people’s health, especially long term. Withdrawal from alcohol after drinking for a long period of time can be uncomfortable and even unsafe. People often drink more alcohol to avoid feelings of withdrawal. Someone with alcohol…
Why is 90 Days the Golden Ticket for Recovery? Going to treatment may not seem like winning the lottery, but it is the closest a person can come in recovery. Even traditional 30 day programs may not be suitable for most people who desire to make lasting change in their lives. The longer programs are…
How Addiction Can Happen to Athletes (and How to Offer Support) Athletes are famous for their prowess on the field, but they can also struggle with addiction. Even if they are heroes in their sport, they may seem to have it all together while secretly their lives are falling apart. Addiction can happen to anyone,…
What Are Some Signs an Executive is Addicted to Drugs? Executives are not immune to the ravages of addiction. Most of them live in a world where pressure is high to perform and they feel like they have to be on all the time. There is no breathing room for executives who run from one…
How Long Does it Take the Brain to Heal from Drinking? The brain and body take a beating from alcohol abuse, depending on how long it takes place, but it is not easy to recover from the damage caused. In time, the brain can begin to repair itself and what it lost, but heavy drinking…
How Can People Stay Sober at Work While Others Struggle with Addiction? Staying sober on the job seems like a no-brainer, but for some people, getting drunk at work (or just after) is just part of the gig. There are people who consider themselves high-functioning, meaning they work and get things done while being addicted…
What Are 5 Things People Should Know About Sobriety? Addiction recovery can be difficult for people because they may think they have to hit rock bottom to go to rehab. Sobriety is more than just hitting the lowest point in your journey of addiction. When your life is unmanageable, it may be time to consider…