Why Getting Rid of Five Things Can Help You Free Your Mind
Keeping a simple house with just a few things in it seems to be the newest movement in minimalism. People are getting excited about having less. There is nothing wrong with having less, but it takes time and diligence to figure out how to get rid of the right things and keep what you need. Find out what five things people suggest you get rid of in order to declutter your home, and your mind.
A Change Dish
Many people have change dishes for that extra coin that lands in your pocket. The rest of the time, receipts and other things end up there, as well. We never know exactly what is in the change dish or the original purpose by the end of it. It helps to toss the dish out and deal with what’s inside by finding an appropriate place for everything. This means making sure you don’t keep all the stuff that you find on a daily basis in your pockets.
Dish Rack
The dish rack is simply a metaphor for clutter everywhere. The kitchen counter is not the place for things like dish racks, papers, magazines, and other things which pile up. If you are washing and drying dishes regularly, then you can feel like the dish rack is never empty. The same goes for clearing out mail or paper clutter as you come across it. It makes no sense whatsoever to actually keep piles of mail and papers everywhere, yet people do it all the time. Take time to look at what’s taking up space on your counter and start to clear it out as soon as possible.
Many people have some type of storage like a garage, crawl space or basement. Within the confines of this are boxes and tubs of things that will sit unopened for a time. The best way to deal with this is to decide whether or not to keep the contents. To do this, you have to actually go through the bin itself and dump contents. If it has been there forever, dump it out and deal with the contents. It is not fun, but it will help you make real progress, even if it is decluttering things you don’t see everyday.
External Storage
People now have more things in storage than their own homes. Don’t pay someone every month to store your stuff. Getting rid of what you don’t need is a necessity. Cancel the contract, get stuff out of there and sell what you can. Save the monthly amount and lighten your load by getting rid of the unit that holds all excess things you don’t need.
Living Space
It is time to review your entire living situation. You may not have much, in fact, you may have just a room in someone else’s home. Evaluate the space you have and what you desire. There is nothing wrong with owning a home or apartment, but think about all the stuff you have acquired in that space. Does it give you joy or bring you some peace? Most likely, a lot of the stuff is giving you nightmares trying to deal with where to put it, how to clean it, or where to store it. If you reduce living space, you may be able to pay someone to come clean after you. Decluttering is a process that is ongoing. Don’t let it get you down. Just take it one day at a time, little by little, and you will start to achieve your goal of decluttering and finding inner peace along the journey.
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