What Motivates Athletes and Artists to Get Treatment?
When people lose their careers to addiction, they may be more likely to see drug and alcohol addiction treatment before they lose their lives. If they are struggling, they are more likely to look for treatment than if they are high-functioning. It is dependent on the individual what motivates them to seek help, but mostly they are just tired of being tired. When people who are famous for their artistry and athleticism seek treatment, they are doing it mostly because they have not been able to overcome the challenges of addiction and realize the need for external help. This is a key turning point in their recovery.
Pro Athlete Motivation
Athletes who reach a professional level often have dedicated decades of their lives to the sport and are supporting a lot of people with their work. Because of expectations from fans, the team, managers, and themselves, they feel like the hope of the world rests with them and their abilities to perform. Most people are not built for that pressure, but some do rise above. Year upon year, it can get exhausting to keep up and eventually they start to crumble. If there is divorce or disappointment, there may be no way to take time off and get help. People turn to medication to help them cope and often try to sneak around the regulations imposed by their athletic contracts. By contributing to pressure, the families, trainers, and others are only pushing the athlete harder, which may be stressful. If they do give in, they can go to a place where they treat people like that for addiction and support their journey to recovery.
Artist Motivation
Motivation for an artist can come from almost anywhere. Drinking or using drugs is encouraged by many in the art scene because people struggle with stress and long days out on the road. These artists have families, fans, and agents who are tied to record labels or studios. They have pressure to perform and do well monetarily for others and not just themselves. The drugs eventually take their toll and they feel there is no choice but to seek help to keep careers going. If they want to keep them going on their own steam, they may continue to seek opportunities to heal by getting help secretly then returning to work.
Executive Motivation
Executives are the final category of people seeking treatment for addiction that may have a challenge in motivation. Although they differ from artists and athletes, they may also be one and the same in that sports management specialists and executives are often former athletes or artists become producers and executives who run companies and studios. The increased pressure can make them feel like they have to perform and figure out how to navigate the challenges of recovery by themselves. They may have worked hard for success in work but now find they are not able to get through a day without drinking, using marijuana, or taking pills. Going for help feels difficult because there is little margin to stop and think about treatment. The executive will need a special environment where they can handle the pressure they are under and find hope in healing from the experience.
Help is available through rehab programs and facilities that are ready to tackle recovery for people who are ready. Motivation is hard because it cannot be taught. It has to be taken from within. With addiction, it also has a lot to do with the addiction itself and how the brain is wired through the use of drugs and alcohol. Once a person tackles difficulty with motivation, they are usually able to finally heal from addiction and find hope in recovery.
The Palmetto Center is based on a Therapeutic Community model. We help people learn how to live free of addiction. Our community support provides structure while trained counselors offer life skills training and therapeutic techniques to help you move past addiction. Our program provides a special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.