What is C-Suite Addiction and How Do They Find Help?
People in the C-suite are not exempt from struggling with addiction. It does not discriminate on whether you are a high-powered executive or someone who works in basic labor jobs in construction. Anyone is susceptible to the ravages of addiction. Finding help for it can be hard for people who are not ready to admit they need help. The C-suite executives can be more challenging in that they feel the stigma and shame around addiction. They may also find it harder to get away from work to seek help. Find out more about addiction in the C-suite and how to seek help and healing.
Taking Risks
Anytime someone is drinking or using drugs on the job, they are risking their careers and the lives of those they love. They might even be participating in risky behavior that puts others at risk, as well. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects people with addiction so that they cannot get fired for having it in the first place. What it does not protect is poor performance, bad behavior, or other things which might lead up to termination for violation of a contract. People in the C-suite can even lose license to practice in their field if they are unable to find help for addiction or feel supported following a trip to rehab.
Added Stressors
The stress a person in the C-suite experiences is immense. They face scrutiny from many people and experience risks to their professional careers, families, and livelihoods. If they are unable to practice or work in their chosen field, they may find they struggle with how to cope following rehab. Some do not even choose to go to rehab as they have a hard time admitting the need for help. The stress of working long hours, traveling away from family, and working to build a work portfolio often takes precedence over their recovery.
Family Support
Finding help for those in the C-suite with addiction means working with family members to find out how they need support as well. Executive’s family members often feel on the fringes and need help understanding addiction and how to support their loved one. What is helpful to the C-suite executive is typically including family therapy as part of the rehab experience, along with post-rehab aftercare work. Family, friends, and loved ones are part of recovery and will be helpful to their journey so long as they’re invited for the ride. Flexibility along with encouragement from colleagues who have been through the same situation can be impactful in experiencing hope for the journey of healing that needs to take place. Follow-up care is also critical with treating therapists who can provide additional support, along with medication, to help an executive deal with cravings and triggers. Moving ahead in recovery means finding ways to continue work without feeling all the stressors that led to addiction. It is a delicate balance, quite often, for people in the C-suite to navigate all these issues but it is possible with the right treatment program and support for the journey.
The Palmetto Center is based on a Therapeutic Community model. We help people learn how to live free of addiction. Our community support provides structure while trained counselors offer life skills training and therapeutic techniques to help you move past addiction. Our program provides special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.