What Are the Warning Signs of Valium Abuse?
Valium is a drug that many people take to catch some sleep after a long day at work. Perhaps they work odd hours and this is the only way to get some sleep when it seems elusive. Many people who use the drug hide their use, which makes it hard for loved ones to see a problem is there. The behaviors and effects of valium intoxication compare to alcohol intoxication. Some signs of abuse may include:
- Lack of coordination
- Appetite changes
- Feeling irritable
- Shaking (withdrawal)
Valium is a risky drug to take for people who use it all the time. This happens when people start to use it as a result of dependence and addiction because their body’s tolerance goes up.
Dangers of Valium
The FDA created valium to help people but aggressive marketing campaigns shot it into the public consciousness with such speed that people are using it too frequently, leading to health issues and complications. Some people are even getting into motor vehicle accidents when using it. When someone stops taking the drug, withdrawal may be lethal. Mixing this drug is also dangerous, especially with alcohol or other pills. This may depress breathing or-or heart rates to cause heart failure.
Mental Health Disorders
Valium abuse may show up in people who struggle with anxiety because the brain comes to rely on the drug to cope. Without valium, the brain becomes imbalanced and create space for depressive disorders. The long-term effects of valium use are traumatic. Some evidence has shown brain damage can occur. The cerebral cortex plays a huge role in memory, attention, and processing. When those centers are damaged from use, people can suffer long-term consequences.
Signs of Addiction
A person who is addicted may develop potential signs in that they crave the drug, seek it out, doctor shop for more, and are taking more than their prescription allows for longer periods of time. Cravings and withdrawal symptoms may need increased doses of valium to get drug effects. Abuse that escalates into addiction may also impact a person’s social life, personal life, and personality to the point people notice something is off and they start to act differently.
An intervention to help the person get help is not a bad idea. It takes planning and proper execution but can help support a loved one’s seeking help for addiction. The main goal is to offer help that will get them away from the drugs and provide any mental health services needed so they can live a longer, healthier life drug-free.
Treatment for valium or other drugs starts with stopping the denial and asking for help. We offer detox and rehab services to support your goal of being in recovery. Our program provides a special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.