a doctor explaining the types of mental illness

Types of Mental Illness

There are many categories of mental illness. And because of the frequency with which people with addiction issues also have mental conditions, individuals who are interested in recovery and rehabilitation must understand them. If you are suffering from a substance use disorder and are struggling with your addiction, there is a high chance that you…

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It’s Time to Learn About Interpersonal Psychotherapy and its Benefits

It’s Time to Learn About Interpersonal Psychotherapy and its Benefits

It’s Time to Learn About Interpersonal Psychotherapy and its Benefits Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) was developed as one approach to treating depression. When people struggled with depression in the past, they usually were given antidepressants. It sounds like a simple fix, but people realized they also needed counseling. When combined with medication, psychotherapy did better than…

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What to Expect During Evaluation for Substance Abuse

What to Expect During Evaluation for Substance Abuse

What to Expect During Evaluation for Substance Abuse Substance abuse is a difficult thing for any family to deal with, especially if they have been in denial and not willing to seek help. There are generally four goals that need to take place before a person can be evaluated for fitness in rehab for addiction.…

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How Do I Explain Bipolar Disorder to Family?

How Do I Explain Bipolar Disorder to Family?

How Do I Explain Bipolar Disorder to Family? When you think about how to explain yours or a loved one’s bipolar disorder to others, it can feel daunting. It may even feel like you should not have to explain it to anyone, yet it is impacting your life. When thinking about how to organize your…

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What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Avoidant Personality Disorder?

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Avoidant Personality Disorder?

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Avoidant Personality Disorder? Avoidant personality disorder (APD) is a pattern of behavior related to social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and sensitivity to rejection which causes problems in work situations and relationships. People with the disorder show a pattern of avoidance due to fear of rejection or disapproval. This…

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