Are Medical Professionals Taken Seriously When it Comes to Mental Health Crises? Demands on physicians and doctors feel innumerable for so many in the profession. They are working longer hours, putting in more effort to meet patient needs, and being drowned out by insurance company needs for documentation and paper pushing. Less time with doctors…
Find Out What Factors Help a Doctor Recover from Addiction and Find Healing Generally speaking, physicians feel as if they are healthier overall than the general population. This may be true for some doctors. In spite of their education, nutrition, and lifestyle, they may feel invincible to the ravages of addiction. Perhaps they are in…
Doctors and Drug Addiction: Key Ways to Find Help Doctors and physicians are ascribed a certain level of trust in how they do their work. They are able to help heal people, prescribe medication, and even perform life-saving surgery in an emergency. It seems doctors can do no harm when they are working to help…
Why Do Doctors Struggle with Addiction? Doctors struggle with drug and alcohol addictions at similar or higher rates than the general population. They are exposed to many of the same risk factors for addiction and mental health disorders like childhood trauma, anxiety, and depression. These issues may be compounded by the stress of their profession,…