Recovery is a life-long journey that often includes changing attitudes, behaviors, and even environment. Even with a robust support network, the internal work can lead many people to feel like they are facing the challenges of recovery alone. Feelings of loneliness during addiction recovery are not uncommon – but simply knowing that fact doesn’t make…
Cocaine has been around for centuries. It is an extremely addictive stimulant drug made from leaves of the coca plant that causes euphoric and positive feelings. Back in the mid-1800’s, cocaine was even used as an ingredient in Coca-Cola and wine and was used as a remedy for hay fever and other common illnesses. Many…
Methamphetamine use has skyrocketed over the past decade, and risky use patterns and increasing diversity in the population using methamphetamine suggests that it will continue to grow. These trends have also produced growth in the number of people dying from overdose and developing addictions to methamphetamine. With all of methamphetamine’s harmful effects, why do people…
Alumni Testimonial: My Hazy Shade of Winter at Palmetto Addiction Recovery Center Before I got to Palmetto in December of 2013, I’d wanted help for months, but couldn’t seem to administer it myself. I would down bottle after bottle of MD 20/20, wondering when in the world this whole alcoholism thing was going to…
If you have a friend or loved one experiencing active addiction, you may have thought more than once about organizing an intervention. But “interventions” have been sensationalized on dramatic television programs and through other media. Sometimes, in the desperation that often accompanies loving someone who is experiencing active addiction, it can seem attractive to hold…
– J. David Hammond, MD Philip Seymour Hoffman. Another talented young man whose battle with addiction ended his life all too soon. Whenever a public figure or celebrity dies in a public way from addiction, the media turns its attention once again to the subject of substance abuse. Articles are written, reports are filed,…
Every parent wants their children to grow up healthy and happy. It’s no surprise that many parents worry about drug abuse among youth – both their own children and their peers. Preventing drug use isn’t just an issue for parents; healthy and happy youth are a crucial component of a healthy community. Here, we’ll take…
– Stewart Bedillion MA, LPC – Spiritual Counselor If a person has run off the road and is stuck in the ditch, no amount of acceleration is going to help that individual get back on the road. Putting the “pedal to the metal” is not the answer. What that person needs is a wrecker.…
Medical professionals and scientists continue to study the effects of addiction and substance use on the brain. One thing is certain: substance use (and especially prolonged substance use) can fundamentally change your brain chemistry. Some substances can significantly alter your brain chemistry in as little as one use, and even seemingly “harmless” substances can have…
– Dr. Jay Piland, ABAM A recent press release for Bunavail says it all: First and Only FDA-Approved (Buccal Formulation) of Buprenorphine and Naloxone to compete in the $1.7 Billion and Growing U.S. Opioid Dependence Market. Heroin and prescription opiate addiction are massive, under-treated and under-reported conditions in the United States. According to 2013…