Millions of people struggle with drug abuse and dependence. Many more need treatment and struggle with how to get proper assistance. A failed intervention may be one reason people do not get the help they need. The reasons for failed interventions vary, depending on the person and their needs.
What is an Intervention
Interventions occur when a person’s family or friends are concerned about substance abuse or dependence. They may also want to help receive treatment that is needed but are not sure how to go about doing that. Four factors can sometimes play a role in a failed intervention. When these things occur, it is not impossible to conduct an intervention, it just makes it less likely to be successful. Find out more about these challenges and how to overcome them.
Inadequate Planning
Interventions should always be conducted in a group setting with people that care about the person struggling with addiction. Prior to the intervention, the group should plan each aspect. When the steps are ignored, the intervention may lack focus and progress. To be effective, it helps to:
- Outline what to say ahead of time, including a list of the ways addiction has impacted them and others around them
- Find treatment center that will admit the person as soon as the intervention is over. The person should have a place to being treatment that is amenable to the person’s individual needs
- Get professionals to help. Interventionists can lead preparation for and actual execution of the intervention. To make sure it is successful, a trained professional can do due diligence and be there to provide support
Focusing on the Problem
Interventions often fail when people dwell too much on the past rather than discussing solutions for the future. Solution-focused therapeutic support is going to help when it comes to an intervention by stating solutions that will help bring that person to treatment and, eventually, recovery.
Too Many Options
Another flaw in unsuccessful interventions involves giving too many choices for how and when to receive treatment. Treatment is needed right away. Otherwise, the person may think the problem is not severe and help can be given at any time. Allowing the person to choose from several options may be overwhelming rather than choosing from just a few.
Lack of Commitment
When the people who organize the intervention get a plan, they should identify the consequences for the person with addiction. If they don’t start treatment, then this happens. These consequences often relate to relationships with family and friends that will become cut off or financial support that will be cut away if the person is not willing to attend treatment.
An interventionist who is qualified to help a person navigate the ups and downs of recovery post treatment is helpful, but they have to be able to coordinate a good effort up front. If they can get everyone to rally support around the person with addiction but practice having boundaries and get them to treatment, their chances of success skyrocket now and in the future.
The Palmetto Center is based on a Therapeutic Community model. We help people learn how to live free of addiction. Our community support provides structure while trained counselors offer life skills training and therapeutic techniques to help you move past addiction. Our program provides special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.