Train Yourself to Wake Up in the Morning with These Tips If you hit the snooze button in the morning and feel like a zombie, you are not alone. Lots of people struggle to get out of bed in the morning. It begins with figuring out different reasons why you cannot stay awake in the…
Yes, Coffee Can Impact Your Weight: Here’s Why Coffee is a popular beverage in the world. Many people are drinking it in droves to help them stay awake, and to stave off the effects of running busy lives. Its benefits include appetite control and improved metabolism, which can aid in weight loss. Coffee contains caffeine,…
How to Burn Some Fat Without Lifting Weights Fat-burning exercise routines do not have to take hours of work and lots of space. Intense workouts often burn more fat than long, extended ones. You don’t need a gym to make it happen, just enough room to do a push-up. The goal is not to worry…
What is DMT Addiction? DMT is an abbreviation for a drug called N, N-Dimethyltryptamine, a chemical that develops in the brain. It also grows in plants indigenous to Central and South America. As a drug, DMT typically takes the form of white powder which may be smoked with a pipe or brewed into hallucinogenic drinks…
How Do I Know if I Struggle with Learned Helplessness? Learned helplessness is a state animals can get into when they meet negative stimuli when they try to escape. After awhile, they stop trying to get away. They assume the situation is hopeless and cannot be changed. This can become such an issue that even…
How Does NAD Therapy Help with Withdrawal? In the world of medicine, addiction is difficult to treat. It is such an individualized thing that it has no one concrete response. While addiction science has come a long way, there are many questions to answer about how it all works together. Addiction was thought of as…
Five Habits for a Fitter You and Family Children and adolescents whose mothers follow five healthy habits are less likely to become obese than those who do not follow any habits. When both mother and child follow these habits, the risk of obesity goes way down compared with those who did not. Learn more about…
What Are the Properties of Khat and Addictive Potential? When you hear people chew ‘khat’ or ‘qat,’ you my wonder what it is. Qat or khat is a drug composed of the leaves of a wild, East African shrub called Catha edulis, which contains mild stimulants. Cathinone and cathine are two stimulants in the drug.…
Are Sobriety and Codependency Connected? Sobriety brings more to life than recovery. It can bring codependency, too. When sobriety starts, maybe you used drugs for five years, maybe for ten or longer. Maybe you only used a handful of years but are tired of how it makes you feel. One of the first things you…
Why Beverage Sweeteners Are Riskier Than You Think Sugary drinks are everywhere now. It seems every beverage has a little bit of sugar or sweetener in it of some kind. The greater risk of premature death has been linked to some sugar substitutes showing up in our food supply. The main health issues range from…