Why Do Lawyers Wrestle with Depression? Lawyers are not immune to feeling the effects of mental health challenges. Depression, anxiety, and other issues plague them in the profession for various reasons. Studies show that lawyers can struggle with mental health issues like depression starting in law school due to pressures to succeed, pass tough exams,…
Try These 3 Ways to Honor Your Emotional Self Care Plan Self-care can be seen as a challenge for people in recovery. Emotionally, you are fragile and feeling worn out, most likely, and just want to sit back for a bit. When you are in recovery, you cannot afford to not do the work. There…
Why Do People Make Poor Decisions (and How Can it Change)? People make decisions everyday, no doubt about that. The question is why do people make the decisions they do and how do they decide what they will focus on. There are possibly thousands of ways a person can decide things in their lifetime, but…
Why Do Healthcare Professionals Face Mental Health Issues? Professionals are not immune to the challenges of mental health issues and substance abuse. Anxiety, depression, and the constant pressure to succeed can push some professionals over the edge who feel there is no way to cope with everything they have to accomplish. There is also a…
What is the Connection Between Addiction and Stress? Central nervous system is responsible for many things in our bodies. When we use drugs, it changes the way it responds and interacts with our environment, not to mention what is going in the body. Drugs change the brain and how it regulates emotion and manages stress.…
How Do I Explain Bipolar Disorder to Family? When you think about how to explain yours or a loved one’s bipolar disorder to others, it can feel daunting. It may even feel like you should not have to explain it to anyone, yet it is impacting your life. When thinking about how to organize your…
How Does Sugar Impact Your Brain? The brain uses more energy than other organs in the body. Glucose is the source of fuel. What happens when the brain is exposed to too much sugar in a person’s diet can have ramifications throughout a person’s body. Learn more about how this works and the effects sugar…
These Tips Can Help You Cope Better with Anxiety Anxiety is a feeling that many people struggle with but few want to talk about. A few common triggers are working at a job for the first time, meeting new people, presenting in front of others, or going into everyday situations feeling uptight and unable to…
Your Wandering Mind is Just Fine: How to Stop Worrying When You Can’t Focus When you are sitting somewhere or walking around and find your mind wandering, it is okay to wonder why you simply cannot stop and focus for five minutes. While most literature paints your mind wandering as detrimental, even dysfunctional, it is…
Does Trauma Lead to Addiction? Developing an addiction following trauma is pretty common. Studies can prove that trauma has many impacts on a person’s life, one of them being the desire to numb out the pain with substances or behavioral disorders. A traumatic event shifts a person’s thinking. Their body even can change physiologically in…