Anxiety and Stress Amongst Tech Professionals May Lead to Addiction: Here’s Why
Life working in certain industries can be incredibly rewarding. It may also be very stressful and lead to substance abuse issues for many who are striving to hit certain goals, markers, and completion of projects for a company. Anxiety and stress amongst tech professionals is among the highest of any other profession because it provides a great opportunity, at a cost. Long hours, extremely difficult working conditions of being away from family and friends for long periods of time can take a toll eventually. In spite of its innovation around flex hours and investment in professional development or self-care, the upstart tech companies are not immune to finding employees have difficulty handling the pressure. Find out why it happens and how to get a loved one support.
Start-Up Stress
People who work in the technology industry, or start-ups, often face difficult environments at work. There is a lot of pressure to succeed, be at the top of one’s game, and create something that will bring in lots of money when all is said and done. There may be flexibility and creativity but it can feel like life gets consumed by the job, rather than being supported by it. Larger tech companies may leave employees feeling undervalued or not capable of dealing with the stress and unpredictable nature of the job. Chronic stress, anxiety, depression, and poor mental health can all happen as a result of working in a start-up company.
Coping Measures
Anxiety and stress measure high for people in these professions, which can drive them to drink or use substances to keep up with other colleagues who are performing at a high level. Just to work the long hours necessary for a start-up to get moving, people may rely on drugs or alcohol to get motivated and keep going. There are some ways to cope better with anxiety and stress on the job. Here are just a few to get started:
- Schedule time away from work: don’t expect it to happen, write it on the calendar. Commit to a schedule of classes at the gym or pay for membership that will compel you to use it rather than not use it at all. Regular use of time-management skills is essential for maintaining a healthy work/life balance when working in a high-pressure workplace. Avoid long hours at the job that keep you from seeing friends and family with some frequency
- Find new ways to unwind at work: living with other people can make it hard to rebalance after a long day at work. Ask for a short period of time to wind down so you can connect better with them once you’re home. Practice meditation or mindfulness that help unwind the brain and body after a long day at the office
- Take breaks at work: don’t work tirelessly day after day without a break. It may be tempting to skip out but prioritizing breaks is healthy. Mental health and well-being is critical for productivity and personal sanity
The last and most critical piece of the puzzle is to ask for help. If you are struggling at work with substance abuse or drug addiction and need help, now is the time to reach out and ask. There is healing work that can be done. The key is to find out how to reach out and ask for what you need. Speaking up for yourself is important for your journey of recovery.
Contact Palmetto Addiction Recovery Center Today
Palmetto understands everyone has different needs. We support executives who need flexible programs to recover from addiction. Our confidential program provides a safe space to be vulnerable while you heal from substance abuse and get the help you need. Our program provides special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.