Why Beverage Sweeteners Are Riskier Than You Think
Sugary drinks are everywhere now. It seems every beverage has a little bit of sugar or sweetener in it of some kind. The greater risk of premature death has been linked to some sugar substitutes showing up in our food supply. The main health issues range from cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other health complications. Find out why they are risky and how to reduce your intake.
Risky Behavior
Drinking one artificially sweetened beverage per day can put people at risk of premature death. Increased mortality in women has also been noted when drinking multiple beverages with artificial sweeteners. Limited intake of these beverages is necessary and replacing them with water is the best way to eliminate the unnecessary sugars. Carbonated and noncarbonated soft drinks, fruit drinks, energy drinks, and sports drinks are the single largest source of added sugar in the U.S. diet. There is a recent uptick among adults who exceed more than the daily limit of sugary beverages.
Increased Risks
The risks to overall health have been linked to weight gain and a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. When looking at major diet and lifestyle factors, researchers found the more sweetened beverages a person drank, the more their risk of early death from anything else also increased. Drinking once per month, up to four guary drinks, was linked with an increased health risk associated with early death from cardiovascular disease and other issues.
The associations between artificially sweetened beverages and risk of early death was replaced with a moderately lower risk of early death. There is also a link between high intake levels of ASBs (at least four servings per day) and slightly increased risk of overall and CVD-related mortality among women. High sugar intake impacts metabolic factors including Type 2 diabetes, itself a major risk factor for premature death. The results provide further support for policies to limit the marketing of sugary beverages to kids and adolescents and for implementing soda taxes for juveniles. The key is to look at lowering your intake overall of sugary drinks and avoiding them in your diet.
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