Why Are Executives Struggling with Mood Disorders and Addiction?
People are expected to be uber productive these days. This means getting more stuff done at a more rapid pace. Mental health and wellness is suffering, especially in the c-suite and boardrooms across America. While many things drive addiction and mood disorders, nobody is really immune. Life is challenging for everybody, in all walks of life. The consequences of suffering from depression and anxiety can take its toll not only on that person, but their family and community, as well.
Learn About Anxiety and Stress
People who work in white-collar professions are just as likely, if not more so, to suffer from the effects of anxiety and stress. This can lead to addiction and mental health conditions which need rapid attention. Some people sit for long hours at work while others are running around doing lots of different things, perhaps traveling and away from family for long periods of time. Depression can surface in people who have a hard time dealing with the stress of an environment where they are expected to produce high volume work at a high level for extended periods of time. What also increases along with mood disorders include physical pain, ailments such as cardiac conditions, and other health problems associated with drinking or doing drugs when that enters the picture. Mood disorders can also drive a person to want to be more successful and feel like they have to prove themselves, so they are driven into careers that are high-performing. The stress of this may also impact their personal and professional lives.
Psychiatric Illnesses
A person with psychiatric illnesses may feel the stigma and pain of telling family and friends so they hide it with substances. Stress and anxiety are so much a part of society now it feels like it is just something people are supposed to deal with. However, it can lead to myriad health challenges. The reality is that it does not have to be this way. Social stigma, education level, and other things can become barriers for people to admitting the need for help. Those in powerful positions are not as open to admitting what they need because they are not sure how to ask for help.
Finding Hope
The solution to someone seeking help for addiction and mood disorders is to look at the overall work and life balance picture. Day-to-day stress takes a toll on the mind and body. Things start to fall out of balance when a person cannot leave work at work and go home at the end of the day to enjoy time alone or with family. Untreated illnesses take a toll on the person’s body and they may turn to substances as a means of coping with stress, anxiety, and mood disorders. Symptoms of difficulty concentrating, not sleeping well, loss of motivation, weight changes, and personality shifts can all be signs of something else going on. When more than one person notices these changes, it may be time to seek help. This may mean:
- Seeking confidential counseling and support services
- Getting treatment for underlying conditions
- Talking to family and work about taking time out for treatment and rehab
- Changing work and life habits to accommodate a healthier way of living
These changes don’t happen overnight. It might mean getting medication for mood disorders for a time and seeking treatment for any other underlying addiction issues. Treatment can help people address problems head on so they can function again. The hope is to find healing in a safe space where others understand what is going on and can offer professional (and personal) support for the journey of recovery.
Nobody should walk the journey of recovery alone. That is why Palmetto designed our program with executives in mind. We provide confidential supportive treatment that looks at the whole person. Our program provides special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.