Recovery from addiction can be a quite complicated and lengthy process. Dealing with life on life’s terms without drugs or alcohol can bring a whole new host of emotions that you would have been numb to before. In a relatively short period of time, you have to make major lifestyle changes, make new friends, and learn new coping skills. With all of these changes being made, there are plenty of chances to make mistakes, especially early on in the recovery process. Don’t worry though – a mistake does not have to derail your recovery. By knowing what to watch out for, you can avoid many of the mistakes. The following are some of the more common mistakes that people make during their addiction recovery.


Hanging out with Old Drinking and Using Friends

It may be tempting to show your old group of friends that you can still hang out with them, without the need for drugs or a drink. However, it is advised to avoid this, especially in the early days of recovery. Being around drugs or alcohol can cause you to feel vulnerable and left out, which can lead to you feeling tempted to join in.


Hanging out at Clubs or Bars

During recovery, it is common for the individual to want to push their boundaries, seeing how much they can test themselves. Some individuals like to hang out in these atmospheres so that they can ‘feel normal’ again. You need to figure out your own boundaries and capabilities with the recovery steps until you will be able to feel normal again in those types of social situations.

a person drinking a bottle of whiskey by themselves showing signs of alcoholism

Starting a New Relationship

Often, when an individual is sober and clean, they look for something to fill the gap in their life that drugs and alcohol previously filled. Starting a new relationship early into your sobriety is often a mistake. With relationships come many strong emotions that can be extremely hard to deal with if your own recovery is not properly and solidly established. Take the time to be comfortable within yourself first; once you are on solid ground, you will have plenty of time for a new relationship.


Thinking You Can Do It Alone

Although one of the hardest things you can do is admit you have a problem, it can also be very hard to ask for help during recovery. If you are trying to do it alone, it might not go exactly as you plan. The same thinking that got you into addiction is unlikely to get you out. Reaching out to a social support group, a therapist, or an addiction treatment program is a great way to receive the support and the guidance that you need on your journey to recovery.


Once you are free from the physical addiction to drugs or alcohol, you will begin to notice significant improvements in both your mental and physical health. Oftentimes, this can leave the individual feeling as though they can deal with anything and take on anything. However, this often proves to be a mistake. Taking on too many commitments in the early days of recovery can lead to feelings of pressure and an overwhelming desire to escape. Recovery is not a race; take things slowly at first and give yourself time to adjust. In time, you will learn how much you can truly cope with.


Comparing Your Progress to Others

It is normal to want to know how you are progressing in your recovery; however, comparing your process to others proves to be counterproductive. It is important to remember that these comparisons are never accurate. Recovery and the challenges they face during the process are different for everyone. By supporting each other during the recovery process, everyone can benefit and celebrate each other’s successes. The act of comparison can also make you less happy. Judge your progress based on your own goals and values, not those of someone else.


Addiction Recovery at Palmetto Addiction Recovery Centers

Here at Palmetto Addiction Recovery Centers, our team of professionals understands that recovery is unique to everyone and will work with you to create a treatment plan that works best for you. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use disorders, treatment professionals are standing by to help with a variety of treatment options. Call or visit Palmetto Addiction Recovery Centers Today.