Vicodin and Teenagers
Vicodin addiction among teens is an increasingly prevalent problem in the United States. Whether you live In a rural area, the suburbs or in the cities, Vicodin, as well as other other prescription drugs, are becoming more and more popular among our teenage population.
Why is the problem exploding
Because, Vicodin and other opiates are easier for them to obtain than alcohol.
Many teens have a steady supply of the drugs right from their parents’ medicine cabinets or bedside tables. Vicodin is highly addictive and it doesn’t take long to become addicted to the prescription painkiller. Teens are sharing them with each other and, in some cases, selling them to their friends. A Vicodin overdose is a high risk among teenagers, especially when mixed with alcohol.
If you suspect that your teen is taking Vicodin and possibly addicted to Vicodin, professional help is often the only recourse for a full recovery. A† detox program can help them to break free from prescription painkiller addiction with the right addiction treatment program.
Why Is It a Problem?
Prescription drugs that are left around in the medicine cabinet or in your bedside drawer are easily obtained by a teenager looking to get high. Much easier to acquire than alcohol and those interested in experimenting with getting high with their friends have been finding their new drug of choice closer to home.
Teens are finding out about and taking the prescription drugs they are getting at school from their friends. Once they are in the know as to which prescription drugs will get them high, they can go looking in their own medicine cabinets to see what drugs their parents are taking. Once they have their supply, they are then sharing them with their friends, using them at school, at parties and, worse case scenario, mixing them with alcohol; a deadly combination for a teenager.
Teenage bodies have no tolerance for the drugs which puts them at high risk of overdose. This behavior also puts them at risk for getting into car accidents when they decide to drive under the influence. Addiction to Vicodin and other opiate prescription painkillers develops quickly for those who use opiate painkillers and when that happens, a Vicodin detox and rehab program may become necessary.
Does Your Teenager Need Help?
Vicodin addiction is a scary issue for parents concerned about their teen’s safety and health. Opiate addiction can happen very quickly even after only a short period of regular use. Too often, what starts as simple experimentation or occasional social use soon turns into a full blown addiction as usage increases and the body “screams” for the next high.
When prescription drugs are not available for their high, they will turn to other ways of getting high equally as dangerous such as huffing paint thinner or any number of other simple household items that in the wrong hands are highly dangerous. If you are concerned about your teen’s use of prescription drugs, or suspect they are using any type of opiate to get high, you need to talk to him or her about it.
A one-time use isn’t reason to send your child to rehab, but if you find that your teen is using Vicodin every day and experiencing mood swings as a result, lying about his or her drug use and becoming belligerent when questioned, then it may be an issue that requires a more serious intervention such as in-patient treatment.
Treatment Options
If your teen has been using Vicodin for just a short time, they could benefit from an Vicodin detox where they can get the treatment necessary for their physical addiction to the drug. It can be very helpful if they can stay connected to their schoolwork and extracurricular activities, while they are in treatment. In some cases this type of outpatient treatment may be sufficient.
Unfortunately, many cases of addiction are not discovered until they are full blown. In those cases an inpatient rehab is the recommendation. This gives your teen the opportunity to put some distance between themselves and the friends that they use with as well as to be able to focus fully on their own health and recovery. Comprehensive treatment for both the physical and psychological dependence upon Vicodin will allow your teen to build a solid foundation in recovery and transition to a sober life.
Street Names for Vicodin
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Vicodin is the most commonly abused drug in the country, making it the most sought after drug by both users and dealers who most often refer to Vicodin on the street by a derivative of its brand name. Knowing these street names can help a parent pick up on their teenagers language and might give them insight into whether or not their teen is using.
Street names for the brand Vicodin:
- Vics
- Vicos
- Vikes
- Vikings
- Vees
- V-Itamin
- Vicogesic
- Vitamin V
- Magnums (for 5mg)
- 357s ñ because of the M357 imprint on the tablet
- M357s ñ because of the M357 imprint
- Around the worlds ñ because of the 360 imprint on the tablet
- Fluff ñ because of the feeling it gives you
- Scratch ñ thought to be because the allergic reaction causes scratching
In addition to these street names, Vicodin has several other brand names made by different manufacturers these have their own street names:
- Lorcet and Lortab – Lorries, Tabs
- Hycet – SetHi
- Maxidone – Maxi or Maxine
- Norco – Watsons because of the Watson 913 imprint
- Xodol – XO
- Damason
- Dolacet
- Vendone – Ven
Vicodin Generics and their Street Names
A generic is a drug that is the same as a name brand drug but, has a different prescription name or manufacturer. Prescription drug companies are able to produce generic forms of the drug after the name brand patent has expired usually at a lower cost than the original. The most common generic name for Vicodin is hydrocodone/acetaminophen. These generic brands have their own street names:
- Hydro
- Hydros
- Cets
- Dillies
- HA
- Tussin
- Vitamin H
- Watson387
- 387s
These are just a few of the street names for hydrocodone / acetaminophen. There are far more nicknames and street names for hydrocodone mixes. Each mix although made with a different substance for a different purpose is classified the same as Vicodin. These are sometimes referred to as cousins of the drug.
Vicodin Cousins
According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, Vicodin is part of a class of drugs that are hydrocodone combinations. Vicodin is often mixed in with other drugs such as acetaminophen, aspirin, and a variety of cough medicines. The names for the cousins of Vicodin include Percocet, Percodan, Darvon, Darvocet, Vicoprofen, and many others. These are not actually true Vicodin. Some are stronger and more addictive while others are less so. Some also are different mixes of hydrocodone and other painkillers. Many people including users mistake these drugs for Vicodin.
It’s important for parents to understand the real dangers of teenage prescription drug abuse and addiction and if you believe your teenager is using seek professional help.