Many people who struggle with drug abuse and addiction may admit they have a problem but have not committed to recovery. Denial is a powerful reason why some do not get the help they need. Not only does denial often keep people from getting help, it can lead to severe and potentially life-threatening problems related to drug abuse and addiction. Anyone dealing with drug abuse or addiction should speak to someone about the problem and seek professional support. Learn some tips on handling a loved one’s addiction.
Typically a family who is seeking to support a loved one looks to professionals for help. Sometimes they have tried everything and nothing has worked. When the person’s substance abuse or addiction affects others around them, they feel they cannot handle it any longer and an intervention may help. Drug abuse and addiction treatment does not have to be voluntary to be effective. Interventions are a useful tool to encourage a loved one to seek help.
Steps for Intervention
When seeking outside help to encourage a loved one to seek help, there are many steps to take. This can include the following:
- Planning: when a family member or friend of the person with substance use meet with professionals who help plan how and when the intervention will occur
- Gathering information: investigating the severity of the loved one’s problem and researches treatment options
- Forming an intervention team: being present at the intervention so everyone can be there to support the loved one but still be tough by setting boundaries
When getting prepared for an intervention, it may be an emotional time for the family. Each group member should do their own work leading up to it, including how to handle refusal to seek treatment (which is always likely):
- Write down what to say: plan out and rehearse so group members can be precise and focused
- Host intervention meeting: invite the person to the location without knowledge of the intervention and, when it begins, state what is written down and practiced
- Follow-up: be willing to help the person commit to treatment and recovery by helping them choose a healthy and productive lifestyle while avoiding substances in the future
The family will have challenges when confronting addiction. Because of negative stigma, people may deny a problem exists or even lie about substance use. When this happens, sometimes the most effective option is to hold an intervention. It is difficult to host one alone so professionals often provide support. It is best to have arrangements made so a person can go straight to treatment from the chose treatment center and work on recovery with support of loved ones.
The Palmetto Center is based on a Therapeutic Community model. We help people learn how to live free of addiction. Our community support provides structure while trained counselors offer life skills training and therapeutic techniques to help you move past addiction. Our program provides special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.