Try These 5 Health Benefits and Uses of Sage for a Better Recovery
Sage is a staple herb in many cuisines worldwide. It has a strong aroma and earthy flavor. It is packed with a variety of nutrients and compounds. It is a natural cleaning agent and is used in smudging, a spiritual burning ritual, and other ways that have many health benefits. Find out more about how these benefits can be supportive in recovery.
High Nutrient Content
Sage is a small but power packed herb. The health benefits include:
- Low in calories
- 10% of daily Vitamin K intake
- Vitamin B6
- Small amounts of magnesium, zinc, and copper
In addition, this aromatic spice has many other benefits due to various compounds found in sage that support healthy living.
Antioxidants are molecules that help fortify the body’s defenses, neutralizing potentially harmful free radicals linked to chronic disease. Drinking 1 cup of sage tea twice a day increased antioxidant defenses and lowered total cholesterol and ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol, while raising ‘good’ HDL cholesterol. Sage is loaded with antioxidants that may improve brain function and lower the risk of cancer.
Support Oral Health
Sage has antimicrobial effects, which may neutralize microbes that promote dental plaque. A sage-based essential oil was shown to kill and halt the spread of Candida albicans, a fungus that may cause cavities. Sage has great antimicrobial qualities that may kill microbes and encourage the growth of plaque.
Ease Menopause Symptoms
During menopause, the body experiences a decline naturally of estrogen. This can cause unpleasant symptoms. This may include hot flashes, sweating, dryness vaginally, and irritability. Common sage was used to reduce menopause symptoms. Compounds in sage have estrogen-like properties, allowing them to bind to receptors in the brain to improve memory. Sage may also reduce the intensity and frequency of menopause symptoms.
Reduced Blood Sugar Levels
The leaves of common sage have been used as a remedy against diabetes. Human and animal research indicates it may help lower blood sugar levels. Sage extract reduced blood glucose levels in rats with type 1 diabetes by activating a receptor. When activated, it helps clear excess free fatty acids in the blood, which in turn improves insulin sensitivity.
When adding sage to your diet, you may sprinkle it on food, mix it into food you make, or rub it on meat and chicken for a variety of flavor. It is versatile and easy to use with little to no known side effects.
For more than 25 years, Palmetto Addiction Recovery Center has been devoted to helping those who are struggling, to find serenity and recover. With a focus on holistic treatment for the physical, emotional, and spiritual, our program effectively rebuilds and heals what has been broken by addiction. For information on our addiction treatment program in Louisiana, call us today: 866-848-3001